It is said that hbr case study should be read two times. Benefits realized from the operation of a large scale global business are discussed as well as the problems that emerge from globalization. Undoubtedly, religion played a part in shaping cities/regions, however, it should not take credit for being the force that single-handedly unified people of different faiths. Globalization has pros and cons when it comes to religion. 854 Words 4 Pages. 3. Globalization is a process of growing exchange, interaction and integration between people, governments and private organizations across the globe. • There is a steady cash flow into the developing countries, which gradually decreases the dollar difference. Initially, fast reading without taking notes and underlines should be done. This is undoubtedly the effect of consumerism which is conveyed through globalisation. Human beings need some form of … For example- In face of political chaos, and crushing poverty, the Africans find the church is the place they can go for assistance and relief. One the one hand, globalisation creates new door to strength religion such as enhancing beliefs and values, teaching equality for everyone, showing kindness etc. These sometimes use organisations, including charities in order to mobilize or channel sources of funds. Proponents of globalization see this development as a way for countries from disparate parts of the world to come together and exchange goods and services, thus, opening doors to trade and commerce. In those years in developing academic writing cohesive or the death of many essays that are represented by pros in pro at sydney university. Pros And Cons Of Globalization 1191 Words | 5 Pages. On the other hand, because globalization allows for daily contact, religion enters a circle of conflict in which religions become “more self-conscious of themselves as being world religions.”[14] This essay argues that the relationship between religion and globalization is complex, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges. They believe that the globalization of sport has crushed the fun and playful element of games and turned it into a media spectacular with the inhumane expectation of ordinary people to outperform the possible. It does not only have deep impact on economy, but also on various aspects of life and society, including religion. PABX: 09612120000, 8432361-3, Fax: 88-02-8432094, Advertisement Phone: 02-8432046, Fax: 88-02-8432045, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], PABX- 09612120000, 8432361-3 FAX-88-02-8432094 Every religion has its own beliefs, values, perspectives and ideas in order to make human life better, to choose the right path, to enrich our knowledge, to give courage, to avoid wrong activities etc. Improvement in the Global Economy; One of the major advantages of the globalization is the access to international sale and business. In this globalised world, under the influence of consumer culture, achievement and material prosperity has become the aim of life while inner peace is ignored. So, we can see that globalisation is a process of interconnectedness, interdependence and integration of economics and societies. As media and technology in one hand spread religious ideas and teach to respect other religions, they also cause breaking religious ties that give birth to new religions or sometimes makes people ‘infidel’ or ‘irreligious’ and also causes terrorist activities in the name of protecting their own religion, values and beliefs. ��g��+�|�om�q;����@�R,�Q9l� |��݉����� �|�#�n!O[ۿt�v�i��'��(�n(�I6uv%:�0����� ... Conversely, at least one set of responses to said processes of globalization include the improvement of religion-based, national, ethnic or other identities through the declaration of "traditional" gender roles and systems of authority and. On the other hand, it creates obstacles and challenges as it breaks traditional values while weakening their own religious values, reinforces specific identities, creates a circle of conflict and competition among various religion etc. We can explain this from various theories and perspectives. In this essay on globalization we try to remain neutral and to show you both pros and cons. Rapid changes of society escalated by globalization, paves the way for weakening conventional religion that gave birth of new religion and makes it difficult for establishing institutes to adjust themselves. It includes both possibilities and challenges. After the 9/ 11 attacks, terrorism becomes one of the major challenges in this globalised world. As world is connected because of globalization, people can spread their ideas and beliefs on everywhere and often by inspiring those ideas, people come up together in order to fulfil their purpose in the name of religion that often causes terrorist activities. � �}�r�F���~� SQg ��>M�ʕ�vl'Nt"�fsS)�����` Q��}�[uN������G�'��=3� eQ����:�%�����_Lc��?�p����gl�E�ɣ'��?O����W�(�4�e,[�İ���l����j����/k .y��aq;�d�d{i>� HE��1��(�_��v�2 |&E�&�D�g����%>q�}]��µ����R��w��D,ү� Religion is commonly perceived as a good connotation and aimed for positivity. Pros & Cons of Globalization. Today, globalization is taking on a newer, faster, and more thorough form. Rich countries gain access to emerging economies. Globalisation isn’t a new phenomenon and since the ancient period this process has been going on in different scales. In other word, expensive veils and Islamic dress have been transformed into commodities for consumption by middle class, in similar fashion as branded names. Charities can involve the provision of aid to those in needs and charitable offerings are fundamental to nearly all religious systems, with sacrifice as a furtherance of the custom. Pros of Globalization. Productivity grows in countries that open up their markets and integrate with outside economies. For example, they have participated in Jubilee 2000 that was an international effort advocating for cancelling third world debt by the year 2000. However, globalisation doesn’t necessarily undermine religion . But globalisation became a buzzword in the 1990s because of political and economic dimension of the international system. The pros and cons of an unstoppable phenomenon. 9 Pros of Religion Religion brings meaning to people’s lives. Investors, particularly from developed countries, can now operate their businesses in developing countries and in return offer employment to hire employees from foreign countries. Though the differences among various religion, we should remember that every religions teaches the common thing that non-violence, harmony and peace among every people, no discrimination with each other, to respect every religion, behave cordially, to help not fight, to bring unity and justice, to bring equality and freedom, human dignity etc. It is characterized by an increased interconnectedness of people and whole countries. Whether one supports a world without borders or supports the current state of affairs, one truth can be found: we have a responsibility to help each other. Top Posters. As a result, globalisation, which brings cultures in closer contact, makes religion more important as a source of identity and conflict. Pros. Through various TV channels, radio, internet etc, religious ideas are disseminated. For example- websites provides opportunities to contact with others worldwide and gives information and explanations about different religions regardless of his or her geographical location so that religious ideas can be spread everywhere. Religion and Globalization: World Religions in Historical Perspective. From the 1970s onwards, various anthropologist, economist etc began to research and realised that globalisation is the only process that can be fitted to any discipline. In recent time, we see emergence of ISIS, whose aim is to protect Islam. Although it is not a new phenomenon (waves of globalization can be traced back to the 1800s) the changes it is bringing about now occur far more rapidly, spread more widely and have a much greater business, economic and social impact than ever before. A survey shows that British people’s religious beliefs are changing. Globalization leads to the globalization of economy and the homogenization of culture. For example, veil is now becoming popular and is even sought by highly educated women and those in hi-society circle. The issue of globalization is directly or indirectly affecting all our lives. Since World War II– primarily in the past two decades – the majority of the world’s governments have taken on a free-market economic system, which not only increases each country’s own potential for productivity but the possibility for international investments and trading. Conclusion Globalization has a great impact on religion. With globalisation religion becomes a culture of pluralism that teach us to respect of other religions. In the followings, I will first discuss about possibilities and then challenges. Some study estimated that there are more than 10,000 new religions. In one country, people from different religions live in harmony and peace and also respect one another. The writer obtained her post-graduation degree from, Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, Editor : Enamul Hoque Chowdhury Advertisement Phone: 8432046 They also participated in world faiths development dialogue that was an effort of international faith leaders along with the World Bank to support development agendas corresponding to the UN’s Millennium Development Goals. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are 9,900 distinct religions and 2 or 3 new religions created every day. Finally, we can see that the relationship between globalisation and religion is a complex issue as it has brought both new possibilities and furthering challenges. And Globalization religion pros essay cons - by Mason, February 8, 2021, 7:10 pm 8.4 / 10 stars And Globalization religion pros essay cons. With the advancement of technology, media and the free flow of information, people are losing their own religious values and terror groups have used their political agendas by using religion as a tool to fulfil their political gains. This is due, in large part, to political and trade policies that have allowed economic structuring to open up in a way that facilitates both domestic and international trade. In theory the idea of globalization appears to be a beneficial process, however, the pros and cons of globalization are often interchangeable. It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons before drawing any conclusions. Such as, we find various TV channels as Iqrae, Ennass, Majd, El Houda, Erahma, peace TV etc. For example, when they are asked if they believe in God, in response 77% people answered ‘yes’ in 1968 and 44% said ‘yes’ in 2004. It has its pro and cons. Today we will discuss several pros and cons of globalization in detail. We should take good always and avoid bad. Religion and globalism have distinctions: religion is concerned with the sacred and globalism with the value on material wealth. 2. Globalization is arguably the most important factor currently shaping the world economy. Possibilities and Challenges. The market of different companies has reached the topmost height and is in the version of rapid expanding every day. 1. As religious and traditional beliefs are decreasing, the explosion of new religions is another prominent religious phenomenon in this globalised world. In fact, Reza Aslan argues that “no single force can be said to have had a greater impact on propelling globalisation forward than religion, which has always sought to spread its message beyond the ethnic and territorial frontiers of its origin”. One the one hand, globalisation creates new door to strength religion such as enhancing beliefs and values, teaching equality for everyone, showing kindness etc. The paper examines globalization by defining the term and highlighting its pros and cons. This group continues killing on purely religious grounds but Islam or other religion not permit anyone for such types of killing and terrorist attack. Structure the structure and content-related aspects. In this way, globalisation brings challenges and negative impacts on religion. He also argued that future conflicts are most likely to occur between “Muslims and non-Muslims”, identifying the “bloody borders” between Islamic and non-Islamic civilisations. This allows people to be exposed to different mindsets, cultures, and beliefs, often without ever needing to leave home. communities.. Well globalization also increases the chances of environmental [Cons of globalization] 03:06. damage we've mostly talked about the money side of making that $2 t-shirt but . 1. Here, religion is used negatively. Huntington argues that religion has become more important in ‘civilizational identity’ as other sources of identity are undermined. Everything has positive and negative impacts. Pros of Globalization. Prosperity gospel is the "spiritual" message of consumerism in its rawest formulation. Globalisation and religion one with possibilities: Globalisation helps to increase greater religious tolerance and acceptance of other culture and religion that enhances our mind, knowledge etc. Contingently all the essays on globalization can be divided into 2 groups: the first group supports globalization and tells about its advantages, the second one is against it and emphasizes its weak points. Besides this, various religious organisations were involved in interfaith dialogues such as the 1993 Parliament of the World’s Religions that provide an opportunity for assembly members to come to know other spiritual and religious leaders in ways which could support future collaboration and action together for peace, the relief of suffering, and the preservation of the planet. However, with the existence of globalization, global communities have taken advantage of such social environments in understanding and misunderstanding one another in the context of their own religious … Globalization:pros and cons 1. In Indonesia, expensive veils designed by prominent artists, which is influenced by fashion designers in New York or Paris, can be found in luxurious department stores and has become the symbol of high social status. 03:10. cotton doesn't fall from the sky which wouldn't be all that bad considering [Cotton balls fall from the sky] 03:15 For every pro of globalization can also be seen as a con, this includes the spread of ideas, technology, and hybridization. Globalization: Pros and Cons? As a result, U.S. President George W. Bush first used the term “War on Terror” on 20 September 2001 in order to counter the terrorism. Ellingsen (2004) states: While the optimists are confident that the process of globalization and modernization will lead to prosperity and peace – or in other words “a global village”, in part by diminishing the relevance of religion, other scholars take the quite opposite view – arguing that the modernization and globalization process make people feel more insecure and alienated, increasing … Page 2 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3 Next ... at the same time it's the prototype religious dogma for globalization that features a growing rich-poor gap. Religion means a system of beliefs and practices that creates both cultural and religious differences and gives the strength to respect and tolerate other religions in the age of globalisation. Anthony Giddens uses the following definition: “the globalisation can be defined as the intensification of social relations throughout the world, linking distant localities in such a way that local happenings are formed as a result of events that occur many miles away and vice versa”. Northwell Health president and … So, we can see that, relationship between globalisation and religion is a complex issue, one with new possibilities and furthering challenges. Religion means a system of beliefs and practices that creates both cultural and religious differences and gives the strength to respect and tolerate other religions in the age of globalisation. This evidences shows that religious beliefs are becoming less in Britain. Media and technology play an important role to spread the ideas of every religion so that people can know about every religion and can choose the right path of their life. We can say that globalisation increases the capacity to strength, tolerate and respect for every religion. The Pros And Cons Of Globalization. Whether we are building space stations that orbit our planet, sending missions to the moon, or developing ways to counter hunger that every family can afford, this process frequently tries to make the world become a better place. In studying globalization, one major factor that always tends to be present is the role of religion. We can also link the idea of religious identity in this era of globalisation that may hold in-line with Huntington’s “clash of civilisation” thesis. My list of the pros and cons of globalization aims to provide a summary of the main for and against arguments used by people when they debate the merits of globalization. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on religion, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. Show More. The general topic of interest is religion. In establishing their b… Globalization Essay: Pros and Cons of Global Integration. Globalisation with its consumerism culture brings changes on women’s dress that sometimes impact negatively. The globalization pros and cons show that there would be many benefits to a borderless world, but there would also be great challenges which would need to be solved for it to be a workable solution. In this way, many religious organisations are working in favour of the poor and needy people. The Pros And Cons Of Globalization. as purely religious channels created for the strengthening and the fortification of Islam. As globalisation brings economic marginalisation, many various religious organisations play an important social role such as- Catholic Relief Services, World Vision International, and Islamic Relief Worldwide etc serve many disadvantage areas such as- poverty relief, health care, the HIV/AIDs crisis, and environment problems etc that draws massive followers while strengthening religious values and ideas. Religion follows divine commandments while globalism abides with human-made laws. Pros And Cons Of Globalization Harvard Case Study Solution and Analysis of READING THE HARVARD CASE STUDY: To have a complete understanding of the case, one should focus on case reading. E-mail Citation » An excellent textbook for undergraduate religious studies majors, the book is a basic “Intro to World Religions” text with explicit emphasis on globalization. He argued that the primary sources of conflict in the future will be along cultural and religious lines. Advertisement FAX: 8432045, E-mail: Editor: [email protected], Advertisement: [email protected], Reporting: [email protected], National: [email protected], News: [email protected], Online: [email protected], Education: [email protected], Magazine: [email protected], COVID-19: New cases fall below 10,000 for fourth time in India February, Ashwin stars as India thrash England to level Test series 1-1, Death toll climbs to 58 in India’s Uttarakhand disaster, Blogger Avijit murder: Five awarded death penalty, Relationship between Globalisation and Religion: The critics of globalization have their opinion on this matter. Terrorism activities worldwide are supported through not only the organised systems that teach holy war as the highest calling, but also through the legal, illegal, and often indirect methods financing these systems. Here, we can see that veil is used for fashion that weakens its religious beliefs. ��N&���K-����0.&�J�p��Z��f���x Globalization brings the advanced economies of the world together.Globalization provides an opportunity for the most significant economies and countries in the world today to work together to accomplish big things. In Japan, estimated number of new religions varies from 800 to a few thousands. Globalisation and religion with furthering challenges: Globalisation also brings negative impacts on religion by breaking traditional beliefs as people are more connected with the world that sometimes weakens their own religious belief. �TDɥ�\n�„��N�� �H�&>�x���R�Ç��/��N8䮗 It promotes economic growth. Through media, we can learn about every religion that enhances and broadens our mind and knowledge. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. As people and cultures move across the globe, as ideas are mobilized and transported by media technology, the religious globalization will go on and on. Published by Maynal Hossain Chowdhury on behalf of Bashundhara Multi Trading Limited, 371/A, Block No: D, Bashundhara R/A, Baridhara, Dhaka -1229 and Printed at East West Media Group Limited, Plot No: C/52, Block-K, Bashundhara, Khilkhet, Badda, Dhaka-1229. Globalisation also brings global political forums that try to diminish cultural, ethnic, ideological and religious differences such as- while discussing issues such as international peace and security, health, poverty, environment etc., the UN, WHO, EU, AU, OIC etc organisation also shares basic commitments of religious tradition such as peace, human dignity and equality, religious freedom, conflict resolution etc. There is not a single definition of globalisation. Here, globalisation causes mental stress because as it favours material prosperity, sometimes individuals focus on attaining some material possession such as a house, car, wealth, or simply any object that hamper their inner peace by undermining religious ideas and perspectives. The Winner’s Church in Nigeria is one of Africa’s fastest growing churches that help the members who come for salvation from economic hardship. Relationship between globalisation and religion is one of them. Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, sociologists, define globalisation as “all those processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society”. Globalization allows for the voice of those who would otherwise not have a platform to speak to be heard. Globalisation is one of the strongest forces that have profound and wide effect around the world. Because religion is regarded as a spiritual matter while consumerism is about materialism. Globalization: Causes, Pros & Cons Globalization can be defined as the process of interaction of people on a global scale. Here, the study intends to explore the way religious practices are influenced by the existence of globalization. Discussion in 'General Debates' started by Sunstone, Oct 30, 2006. Preparing for a pandemic like COVID-19 was virtually impossible. Advantages of Globalization The pros of globalization are many and they are as follows: • There is a worldwide market for the companies and for the customers there is a better access to products from different countries. +9h^�\-�@7l^������d�'�/�A,�a���x�z��c}���%63q5K�L~�������0����vӣ�0��k���M�=x�dG�>( -ʉ�Kg��{i��I��ǙH�^&i�K��{��Kb�K�o��c�ݑ���h�t��.s���,�r�+ϳ�R\��i� Gθ'g� So, from the above analysis we can see that globalisation enhances both positive and negative aspects of religion. It can undermine local cultures and disrupt traditional relationships in a society with the assumption that free trade will also lead to the formation of a more democratic society. The encounters and relationships between ancient civilizations and the colonization processes initiated during the Age of Discoveries wer… g���Һ�g�����:�(ϲ$��Qr���2�GI�ԁ+׮�S߁��ԁY�}�;n�'�(L��x�qP�xǡ ;ȝ~��@L1�b�0��Xv�. In this way, we can minimise the challenges of religion and globalisation and can bring the culture of peace and harmony. t�XnK�fO�8IE;�d_�}ߍa5/�Ll��ˇ�zB�ZF5f'�5���q����/ٯ���0�� A lo… Supporters of globalization argue that it has the potential to … International trade, capital flows, migration, technological transfer and cultural exchanges are some of the typical manifestations of this process. People should cope with the flow of info and choose their own and peaceful way. Without a sense of meaning, people’s lives can seem empty, causing depression, angst, or anxiety. In this way, globalisation opens a new door for religion that enhances cooperation, tolerance and brings new opportunities and possibilities. With these political organisations various religious communities such as the world council of churches, the Jewish Diaspora, Roman Catholic Church also take part in international affairs. Religious terrorism is terrorism that is carried out based on motivations and goals that have a predominantly religious character or influence. It is also a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and enhanced by information technology. New religions separate themselves from the conventional ones and develop their own identities.
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pros and cons of globalization of religion 2021