You should pick a method to arrive at its current position as well as other mount status parameters. connection due to a mixing, matching, and combining of the partial information they receive. Copyright © 1998 - 2018 John D. Upton, All rights reserved. It can receive commands from the PC and report the status of the mount in terms of current location and set of data which can be used to correct for polar alignment errors in the setup of the mount and minor error tolerances in the manufacturing of the mount itself.) are: Cartes du Ciel, Stellarium, The Sky X Pro, SkyTools3 Pro, SGP (Sequence Generator Pro), PHD2 Guiding, CCD AutoPilot, APT (Astrophotography Tool), and many others. that appears to give the features you need and follow it exactly without adding steps seen in the other method procedures. This type of connection gives you all the functionality of EQMOD. After doing a few stars on each side of the meridian, I switch EQMOD to Dialog mode to just use the alignment data without adding more stars.). Upon command, it can move the motors a certain number The mount's internal electronics The second ASCOM driver is EQASCOM / EQMOD. is made. EQMOD Project for telecsope mount control. I start More on this will be covered in later sections. Some users have reported communications reliability problems while using EQMOD through the HandControl in PC Direct Mode. Before any control from a PC is possible, the ASCOM Platform must be installed The illustrations below use the Skywatcher NEQ6 mount adaptor as an example, but the instructions apply to adaptors made for other mounts. This is an ongoing project, so be sure to check the site for updates. The latest v6.00 and above Celestron ASCOM drivers will not work with SkyWatcher or Orion SynScan mounts. off with EQMOD in "Append on Sync" mode. We run the appropriate setup tool, found under the EQMOD folder on the Start menu, to configure our Mount. e) With all ASCOM client programs on the PC disconnected, you can now close Cartes du Ciel. For each of these three methods of connecting, I have assigned a rather arbitrary name to the method. I’m not sure. software running on the PC and the driver which handles the specifics of how to talk to the mount hardware. The three main old parable of multiple blind men trying to describe an elephant. There are multiple methods for allowing a PC to control a SynScan mount. That is why we now put the HandControl into PC Direct Mode when using EQMOD. Other options for those with down-level firmware will be discussed at the end of this section. e) With all ASCOM client programs on the PC disconnected, you can now close Cartes du Ciel The EQMOD ASCOM driver will automatically close itself after all using applications have disconnected and closed. This is the Windows device driver for the build-in USB port on Skywatcher's products, including mounts, hand controller and accessories. via GoTos from the HandControl. Again, mixing in any steps from other methods will likely not work and in some cases, such improvisation can damage your equipment. First, let’s think about the electronics inside the One somewhat annoying side effect (for me) when starting EQMOD using the EQASCOM_Run script method is that the EQMOD window will repeatedly become visible for a split second and then go away if it is not able to communicate with the mount. Just take all the defaults and get to a point where you previous section. Unlike other common ASCOM Drivers, there are two methods for starting the EQMOD ASCOM Driver. to make the mount move. It connects to the mount through a communications port and cable. You should not improvise by using steps 1 through 5 of the Basic method and then using steps 5 and 6 of the Enhanced method and the meridian the telescope is pointed. EQASCOM includes GPS support, polar alignment assistance, enhanced multi-star alignment models with the ability Haphazard intermixing of steps or improvising hardware connections As will be discussed later, this driver talks to the HandControl using the SkyWatcher V3.0 communications protocol. This article will be limited to discussing ASCOM control on a Windows PC.) PHD2 Guiding (the auto-guider control program), and Sequence Generator Pro (the imaging control You can use the EQASCOM_Run script to start the driver before any ASCOM Client needs to connect. Corrected behavior of ASCOM_Telescope.SideOfPier() Added fix for ASCOM guiding on mounts with old firmware (less than 6.18) ... Get notified of the latest software and driver updates. Check that your location information is correctly set in EQMOD. Control Command Communications Protocol. In our case, we’re installing the drivers for a SkyWatcher but you’ll get an idea of what ASCOM is capable of controlling by scanning down the list. Now, you can start your alignment process using Cartes du Ciel and EQMOD. The HandControl will be used to initialize some settings and will be used for certain utility are welcome. hardware takes the form of a special cable or adapter built specifically for the purpose. When in normal mode, it can translate the communications language spoken by the SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver into the language Most instances perceived problems are simply bad driver install or software configuration. You’ll find this under the EQMOD folder on the Start menu again, or type in “toolbox” in the Cortana search bar on Windows 10. functions such as Parking the mount at the end of a session. The EQMOD project consists of a suite of open source applications that can provide an alternative to the hand controller on supported German Equatorial Mounts. The main methods will be described in detail Everything else will be done just like the Enhanced ASCOM Control Connection method described above. My mount, a SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro, uses the EQMod Mount under SkyWatcher in the menu (this driver is also compatible with all SkyWatcher equatorial mounts, including the EQ6-R Pro and the EQ8-R Pro). This is called an ASCOM Client program. as we go through the connection details for the multiple methods of PC control. 結局、ascomプラットフォームを導入することで、ポートとかを悩む必要がなくなりました。 以下、試行錯誤の上、たどり着いた手順です。 pc環境の準備. (You can select the menu item Telescope | Track Telescope to ensure the cursor follows the telescope's movements Firmware: SynScan Wi-Fi Adapter, Version 1.07 ... Windows Driver: Prolific USB-to-Serial Device Driver. Cartes du Ciel should probably pick up the current location of the telescope but if it doesn't, you can do a GoTo to a bright star using With this tool you are able to control a large number of your devices. I’ve been trying to days to get the connection to work. Your mount will be connected to your laptop through a serial cable – either directly (using an EQDir cable) or via the Handset. This difference in language between the two ports of the hand In addition to the EQMOD ASCOM Driver, sometimes referred to as EQASCOM, there are add-on software packages that add even more features StarSense Interface Box For SkyWatcher Telescopes: 1.0.6032: March-2016: Initial Release: Latest Software Updates View All Updates Notify Me of Updates. A second option if you don’t wish to upgrade your HandControl firmware level to v3.39 / v4.39 or above, is to use an older version (pre-6.x) of the Celestron Unified ASCOM driver. Tip: Under Windows 10, use Cortana search bar and type “Device Manager” and press enter, to skip steps 1 and 2 below. However, The ASCOM Platform is the Swiss-Army Knife of software control for your various pieces of astrophotography kit – from mounts, to focusers, to dew heaters and even powered observatory roofs. That is one reason I like to allow an ASCOM Client program on the PC start and stop EQMOD for me. You may be able to find a pre-6.x version of ASCOM driver in one of several archives online. This… I use Cartes du Ciel to do a GoTo the alignment star, center it and then do a sync. Before getting into the various methods for connecting a SynScan mount to a computer for control, it is best to have a basic understanding of which parts do what in a SynScan mount. Doing so may save you some debug time when things don't work quite correctly. You can skip a multi-star alignment and use the One Star Align method if you are well polar aligned. and the window scrolls accordingly.) There may be no immediate overt indication that anything special has happened at this point. The HandControl Finally, the PC will also need a program to do the actual control of the mount. of RA, DEC, sky alignment models, or anything else stored in the hand control. (The warning lists a Version 2. These ASCOM drivers will use the older HandControl communications protocols and will work with the older firmware versions. Do you want to identify which it is? This driver is written by enthusiasts of the SynScan mounts and is supported via a Yahoo User Group. The HandControl is still performing its voltage conversion role to protect the mount from the RS232 voltage levels of the PC. Once the GoTo is complete, center the target star in the field of view and then select that same star in Cartes du Ciel and press the Sync button on the Cartes du Ciel Toolbar. Connecting a SynScan telescope mount to a computer for control can give the user a number of additional useful features over using the supplied hand controller. It also allows any other ASCOM client programs to know where the telescope is pointed at The next method for connection we will discuss uses a different ASCOM driver and provides additional functionality over what is available using the Basic ASCOM Control Connection (via the SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver) discussed in the Accessories . other parameters back to the PC. Never connect a real RS232 communications cable / adapter directly to your mount -- it can likely permanently damage the electronics inside the mount body because of the voltages involved. If using the hand controller, you’ll need a RJ11 serial cable and a serial to USB converter so you can plug it into your laptop. When driving the motors, it can control the rate at which step pulses are sent to the motors and thus, the mount slew speed. Start EQMOD running and make sure that the The program to run, to set up a new mount under ASCOM is called “. older firmware with some features being unavailable. After I have an. This should get you going for using Cartes du Ciel, PHD2 Guiding, and Sequence Generator Pro with your SynScan mount connected directly to the computer via an EQMOD-compatible cable / adapter and the EQMOD ASCOM driver. should be used. The ASCOM driver on the PC must use only Motor Control Communications Protocol. Je vous la partage quand meme, sans conviction, apres avoir passé plus d'un mois à essayer de corriger le probleme de pretraitement sous pixinsight. d) Bring up the Cartes du Ciel ASCOM Telescope Interface dialog box again by clicking the Telescope Icon on the Cartes du Ciel Toolbar and click on the Disconnect button. Wait for the telescope to finish Parking. When using the special TTL voltage level cable as described next, the HandControl is not used at all. I have found that all basic functions work with my v3.36 level of firmware. There are a couple of optional changes to this method you can consider. The three main methods of connecting a SynScan mount to a PC through ASCOM are summarized below. The COM port shows up in my device manager, but I can’t seem to get a response from the mount. The ( Log Out /  section and the next will show two completely different ways to use EQMOD. The new SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver communicates using the newer version 3 HandControl Communications protocol.) The warning will indicate that some functions may not be available or may not work with older levels of HandControl Firmware. Inside is the motor control electronics card. to save the sky model for permanently mounted telescopes, spiral search capability around a starting position, multiple parking position capability, Periodic Error Correction recording / variable speed PEC playback, Custom First you download the platform itself. just what an elephant looks like.) will often not work at all and worse yet may result in physical damage to your mount or computer. The EQMOD ASCOM driver will automatically close itself after all using applications have disconnected and closed. Finally we connected to this using the EQASCOM Toolbox. That is the method I will show here. The motor controller only steps the motors when told to do so by the hand controller.) communications port is correctly set. zwo社のダウンロードサイトにリンクしています。 - カメラドライバー -zwo社の全cmosカメラ用ドライバー(v3.16) - 純正キャプチャーソフトスイート - For my setup, I only use it for controlling my mount. We will now move to using the EQMOD ASCOM Driver to interface the mount to the PC. a lot of confusion for many first time users. After installation, choose "SynScan App Driver" as your telescope in the ASCOM client's ASCOM Telescope Chooser. When using this Basic ASCOM Connection Mode to control the mount from a PC, the ASCOM driver sends high level commands to the HandControl which translates them into the SynScan Motor Control Command Communications protocol and then forwards the new lower level commands to the electronics card inside the mount. ... Just upgrade the native driver and ASCOM driver. If you try this connection method through the HandControl and experience communications problems between the PC and mount, you should move to the next method described below - Advanced To get all the details, we needed to know what the Serial COM port was by delving into the Device Manager of Windows, then we continued to fill out the setting up of our Mount by filling in GPS information and saving the set up. This driver is also supposed to work with the old James Lacy EasyFocus and Lazy Focus units. Here you’ll see that you’re able to download the following: Run the downloaded program to install the drivers onto the ASCOM platform. When the mount driver is connected to an image acquisition program, the program has the ability to control the mount during plate solve centering operations, do short slews to a nearby This voltage This type of connection gives you the basic functionality for moving around the sky under computer control. The cable will directly interface to the mount from the PC. Senior Solutions Architect at Trilio, Co-Author of the OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook, eternal humanist, amateur astrophotographer. I have the serial port SynScan Communication Protocol document. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The pre-6.0 Celestron driver will work with the older firmware versions of the SynScan mount and HandControl. These methods are suitable for both visual use as well as astrophotography. in two general forms. If you have older firmware loaded in your mount and HandControl and do not wish to upgrade those, it is possible to use a different ASCOM driver. This recipe talks you through setting up ASCOM Platform 6 for a SkyWatcher EQ5 or EQ6 mount. Be sure to first install the ASCOM Platform software. If the driver is unable to connect to the mount when started by a client, the EQMOD window will flash briefly and then go away. When All control should be done from the PC. the mount for astrophotography, the mount can be connected to a guiding program such as PHD2 Guiding and an image acquisition automation program such as Sequence Generator Pro, as well as the planetarium program. It is generally recommended that once the HandControl is placed into PC Direct Mode, no buttons on the HandControl You can then press the "Disconnect" button in the connection window and track down the reason for a failed connection without having to watch the repeated flashing of the EQMOD window. In this mode, Cartes du Ciel will track the position of the mount and will allow GoTo control. If you encounter some features that do not work or are using even older firmware, it will be worth considering updating your HandControl firmware. Each method will be presented in a separate self-contained section. These methods use the more feature-rich EQMOD ASCOM driver. ( Log Out /  For visual observing that may be all you need. The guiding program can use this information to fine tune calibration settings based on the declination of the current target and which side of View all posts by Kevin Jackson, If I wanted to control the mount through some code (Python or MATLAB or something) do I still need all of these drivers to get the connection to work? The Device Manager tree you will see will be in alphabetical order, so search down the list until you see, Your mount will be one of the ports listed if there is more than one. To use the Basic ASCOM Control Connection mode, you start up the mount as if it is not connected to a computer. There is a camera base disc which is attached to the back of the camera body; and there is a mount ring which is attached to the polar scope aperture of your mount. You may notice the planetarium program window scrolling to show the location of the telescope. level translation is very important because the RS232 Interface Standard allows voltages up to plus or minus 25 volts for communications. The newest SkyWatcher driver is labeled version 6.0 or above. In the next post, we’ll configure Cartes du Ciel (CDC) that will allow us to use point to places on the night sky and our telescope will slew to that position, and we’ll see how this gets used when it comes to my auto-guiding set up using PHD2. We can now test our connection using the EQASCOM Toolbox. You can also consider moving to one of the two methods discussed in the next two sections. It also handles building an internal “model” of the sky during alignment. In this case, special hardware is required to connect the SynScan mount to the PC. This article has attempted to describe in some detail three methods for interfacing your SynScan mount to a computer. Driver when it connects. ASCOM is a standard interface though, so there might be far more advantages coding to ASCOM standards rather than specifics of programs. I prefer to let Cartes du Ciel start star field for automated focusing, and even slewing from one target after another during a night of automated imaging. At this stage, we’re filling in: Label (call it something like Home). one less thing I have to do. For my Sony a6000 imaging camera, I choose … I find it easier (and more natural?) It can report status concerning the number of steps taken Any negative voltage fed directly into your SynScan mount can spell instant death for the electronics card inside. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Two different ASCOM drivers are available depending on your needs. The warning will indicate that some functions may not be available or may not work with older levels of HandControl Firmware. These include Cartes du Ciel (a planetarium / sky mapping program), Change ), Sara Wager’s Astro Pixel Processor Tutorials, The basics: Setting up and balancing the scopes,,, next post, we’ll configure Cartes du Ciel (CDC), The Remotely Controlled Imaging Setup – The Amateur Astrophotographer's Cookbook, My equipment – The Amateur Astrophotographer's Cookbook, Using Cartes du Ciel with an ASCOM controlled mount – The Amateur Astrophotographer's Cookbook, Plate solving using AstroTortilla and SharpCap – The Amateur Astrophotographer's Cookbook, My guide to auto-guiding Part 1: Configuring PHD2 – The Amateur Astrophotographer's Cookbook, Buy a copy of View of Blackpool and The Lakes for Charity, My Field Setup: WO SpaceCat51, SkyWatcher EQM-35 Pro, Altair Astro 183C, Stellarmate Raspberry Pi, Capture, Process, Post-Process M42 Orion Nebula, Journal: 31st August 2018 (New ASI294MC, M31, Sadr, NGC6960), Access to the Internet to download ASCOM Platform 6, EQMOD/EQASCOM and Drivers. For EQMOD, however, there is a second method. Soon it will be second nature and any initial apprehension will be forgotten. The ASCOM Platform serves to provide a common form of communications interface between Getting multiple partial answers to questions of running a SynScan mount from a PC often leads to even more confusion on the part of the person requesting help. all times. Ask questions, discuss and post pictures of telescope related projects, optics, telescopes, observing chairs, etc. Unlike other common ASCOM Drivers, there are two methods for starting the EQMOD ASCOM Driver. Even the basic included functionality of the EQMOD ASCOM driver exceeds the capabilities of the SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver. Possibly hard to tell from here but if you double-click one of them and check the Manufacturer. Follow the instructions to run and install the software. Below are the steps for connecting Cartes du Ciel, PHD2, and Sequence Generator Pro using the EQMOD ASCOM Driver through the HandControl: In this case we DO put the HandControl into PC Direct mode since we will be using EQMOD to control the mount directly. It will ask The HandControl communicates with the mount body using the Motor ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Amateur Telescope Making (ATM) and any do it yourself related activities. you to verify that the telescope is actually pointing there. That will allow you to experiment with multiple methods of connection as outlined All three methods use the ASCOM telescope communications standard. In addition to the base ASCOM Platform, a driver must also be installed. You do not need to connect the Hand Controller at all. While it works best with mounts running later version of the mount (HandControl) firmware (versions v3.38 / v4.38 and later), it will also work for connecting mounts running b) Disconnect the mount in Sequence Generator Pro. Some of the details of the dialog boxes encountered during the set-up procedure will differ but you should be able to follow along. 0. In each of the three connection methods described below, I will use the combination of software I use. It can have benefits even for some aspects the HandControl. This loads up a screen with lots of information needed. In addition, the HandControl translates voltage levels between an RS232 port at the PC into TTL level voltages used by the HandControl port on the mount. control to the functions of the HandControl. out this tutorial also:Light Vortex -- Setting up an Equatorial Mount on ASCOM with EQMod, Stellarium and Cartes du Ciel. The Hand Controller, although physically connected, does not participate in the functionality of the system. The older versions of the Celestron Unified ASCOM driver can be found in the archives of the ASCOM Standards Website. There are multiple ways to enable use of EQMOD / EQASCOM with your mount and PC and that adds some confusion. the ASCOM Client programs have finished. : Using a PC and an easily built or purchased interface moduleyou are now in complete control of your GEM. Ciel can automatically start EQMOD when a communications connection is made. voltages. GoTo accuracy, tracking speed and such are all under The actual specification calls for anything between +/- 3 volts to +/- 25 volts. The ASCOM Platform is the Swiss-Army Knife of software control for your various pieces of astrophotography kit - from mounts, to focusers, to dew heaters and even powered observatory roofs. Driver for James Lacy's MoonLite focuser. This low level software gets installed automatically I prefer to let Cartes du Ciel start EQMOD for me when it connects to the mount and also allow it to close EQMOD for me when I am finished for the evening. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. as described in the Enhanced ASCOM Control Connection method. here. And since there’s no easy way to do this – follow the steps below to find out what Serial Port your USB port has been assigned. Below are the steps for connecting Cartes du Ciel, PHD2, and Sequence Generator Pro using the EQMOD ASCOM Driver without going through the HandControl. For the purposes of this article, I will call this the “Basic ASCOM Control Connection”. Once that’s done we then install EQASCOM. Skywatcher Montierung mit PC verbinden / ASCOM Tags: ASCOM EQ6-R EQMOD rechner Skywatcher verbinden Posted by: Daniel_N Comments: 21 Nachdem ich es als Anfänger nicht einfach fand eine Montierung mit dem Computer zu verbinden, … Do NOT put the HandControl into PC-Direct mode when using the SkyWatcher ASCOM driver to connect. The fact that multiple methods exist seems to often lead to Gemini Telescope .NET (1.0.75, April 2020) In Cartes du Ciel, connect to the mount via ASCOM using the selection for However, the 5.x series of the Celestron Unified ASCOM driver has a selection for running SkyWatcher mounts in its configuration options. I have tried to follow along on my own Atlas / EQ6 and HDX110 / EQ8 mounts as I did the screen shots, so hopefully I have not made any huge errors. GoTo commands can be initiated from either the HandControl or a planetarium program running on the PC. If we wish to connect the SynScan mount directly to a PC without using the HandControl, we must have something in between to provide that voltage translation / protection function. will be outlined and detailed connection methods described. EQMOD for me when it connects to the mount and also allow it to close EQMOD for me when I am finished for the evening. One of the jobs of the HandControl is convert the +/- 3-25 volt RS232 signals to a range of 0-5 volts which the protocol. The HandControl handles all set-up parameters such as location, time, and date as well as other parameters. In this article, I hope to clarify the methods of connecting a SynScan mount to a PC by outlining some of the more common methods that are easy to implement. of the mount as it moves around the sky and will allow GoTo control once the mount has been aligned and is ready for operation. This additional The new SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver communicates using the newer version 3 HandControl Communications protocol.) methods will detail all the steps needed to make a functioning connection. For EQMOD, however, there is a second method. Recall again that with the HandControl in PC Direct mode, all commands sent from the PC are passed through directly to the electronics control board inside the mount body. ASCOM 6.4 is the version available at the time of writing. (plus jamais je n'utiliserai le driver ASCOM de ma camera sous N.I.N.A). mount body. First, you need to download the software. Below are the steps for connecting Cartes du Ciel, PHD2, and Sequence Generator Pro using the SkyWatcher ASCOM Driver: Recall that the HandControl uses the SynScan HandControl Communications protocol when communicating with a PC. You can substitute your own favorite program for each of these functions. The communications protocol between the PC and the HandControl was updated to version 3.0 to make the driver more fully compliant with ASCOM standards. to let the ASCOM Clients shut down EQMOD when the last one disconnects as it is one less thing I have to do. In this mode, you will be using both the computer and the HandControl to run the mount. mount can safely receive. Each may have advantages or disadvantages for your particular situation. can select "PC Direct Mode". SynScan HandControl Command Communications Protocol to Motor Control Command Communications Protocol. I have not had problems running using this method for connecting via EQMOD. The electronics card responds to a special command set when communicating with its outside world. on the PC. control of the EQMOD driver. ASCOM Driver for SynScan App Version 1.3.0 This ASCOM driver allows ASCOM clients to connect to SynScan App running on Windows, Android or iOS. Follow the link to download EQMOD from and then run the Setup program. advanced features not otherwise available. My method shown here will differ from what other users may use. to let the ASCOM Clients shut down EQMOD when the last one disconnects as it is 0. In addition to the mount-body-to-HandControl communications port, the HandControl also has a port for communicating with a PC.
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