. But the amazing eruption that takes place when Mentos are dropped into Diet Coke is not a chemical reaction at all! Then in 2005, tv personality and science teacher, Steve Spangler did … The lower the surface tension the bigger the reaction, so diet soda reactions are bigger. 2. This is why at the bottling plant CO2 is pumped into the cans or bottles when the fluid is just above freezing—around 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Each Mentos mint has thousands of tiny pits all over the surface. Because Mentos mints didn’t have holes in the middle like LifeSavers, getting them into the bottle was tricky. The Diet Coke and Mentos geyser is the result of a physical process rather than a chemical reaction. . Add 1/2 cup of vinegar to the water in the sandwich bag. You could use a beaker or a graduated cylinder to measure the remaining liquid in milliliters. It’s also important that all of the test bottles are stored in the same place so that the liquid in each bottle is the same temperature. Great demo for a classroom & can even be a science fair! You guessed it . You might think that there is some ingredient in a Mentos candy that causes a chemical reaction with the soda pop, like the way baking soda reacts with vinegar. This is a great topic for a science project—you’ll need lots of soda and Mentos, and a few friends to help record all of the data. It’s been called the “vinegar and baking soda” reaction for a new generation. Let’s start with the bottle of cold Diet Coke. Try this. Here’s what you need: – 16 ounce plastic soda bottle – ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide (6% solution, available at beauty supply stores) – 1 tablespoon dry yeast – 3 tablespoons warm water Within seconds of dropping the candies into the soda, a huge geyser would erupt from the bottle. Well inside the coke or soda, there is dissolved carbon dioxide gas which makes the soda taste fizzy when you drink it. . There are several theories, but it’s thought that the many small pores on the candy’s surface speed up the release of carbon dioxide (CO 2) gas from the soda as they give a larger surface area for the reaction to occur over, causing foam to erupt at a super fast rate. Place the second bottle in a place where it can reach room temperature overnight. More gas tends to stay in solution when the liquid is cold. If a cup of baking soda is dropped into a bottle of coke, I mean, it should be insane. This makes it more dangerous and only adults should handle the hydrogen peroxide. When you drop a Mentos into the soda, tiny bumps on the candy surface give the carbon dioxide molecules a nucleation site or place to stick. . your results could help determine the next Mentos Geyser craze! How Many Mentos Work Best? The reason why Mentos work so well is twofold—tiny pits on the surface of the mint, and the weight of the Mentos itself. While science teachers have been dropping candies and mints into 2-liter bottles of soda for years in an effort to release all of the dissolved carbon dioxide, the Mentos and Diet Coke reaction became world famous in 2005. The goal is to drop all seven Mentos into the bottle of soda at the same time (which is trickier than you might think). For example, based on your individual test results, you might have arrived at this recipe for the best Mentos Geyser: By using the scientific method and some critical thinking skills, you’ve successfully turned a great gee-whiz science trick into a research-based science fair project. These tiny crystals absorb up to 200x their weight in water reaching the size of an ice cube. Alternately, you can drop Mentos candies into a 2-liter bottle of cola. Check out this video to see our Fantastic Foamy Fountain in action. Is there another way for the CO2 to escape? The second experiment with the giant foam eruption at the end used a more powerful hyrogen peroxide and a different chemical for a catalyst. and got soaked in Diet Coke on live television. Fueled by hundreds of blogs and popular online sharing sites like youtube, this once obscure reaction became an Internet sensation, and the enthusiasm for dropping Mentos into soda continues to grow. The 200+ Best, Hidden & Most Powerful Features & Changes for iPhone, 22 Things You Need to Know About iOS 14's Newly Redesigned Widgets for iPhone, Best New iOS 14 Home Screen Widgets & The Apps You Need, 13 Exciting New Features in Apple Photos for iOS 14, 9 Ways iOS 14 Improves Siri on Your iPhone, 16 New Apple Maps Features for iPhone in iOS 14, 19 Hidden New Features in iOS 14's Accessibility Menu, Every New Feature iOS 14 Brings to the Home App on Your iPhone. While I had performed variations of the Mentos Geyser experiment on television many times from 2001 to 2004, my performance of the demo in September of 2005 in the backyard of NBC affiliate KUSA-TV in Denver proved to be the tipping point as the demo went from relative obscurity to Internet sensation. However, I must admit that even with the Baby Soda Bottle method, the results were not very consistent and it was challenging to get away from the bottle before it exploded. Soda pop is made of sugar or artificial sweetener, flavoring, water, and preservatives. Line up a row of ten 2-liter bottles against a brick wall (see “Measuring the Height of the Geyser”). As the molecules move faster, they diffuse out of the liquid, leaving less gas dissolved in that liquid. Drop two Mentos into the second bottle, and so on until you’ve completed all ten bottles. Zip the sandwich bag shut but leave a corner open, enough to fit the tissue full of baking soda in. Superabsorbent giant growing polymer beads that absorb 150 times their weight in water! That’s my final answer.” The contestant ended up doing really well, going all the way to the $250,000 question, but he walked away with $125,000. In colder liquids the gas molecules move very slowly, causing them to diffuse out of the solution much more slowly. Just add water to make gallons of white fluffy snow in seconds! Hypothesis: I predict if you drop a mentos in the diet coke, bubbles will form and push the liquid up and out of the bottle because I believe that mentos and diet coke will cause a reaction. How does generic soda stack up against the big name brands? It takes the vinegar and baking soda routine to a whole other level. . How To Make Foam AndGiant Elephant Toothpaste With Soda, Coca Cola, Pepsi Experiment by TN experiments#tnexperiments#tnshow You might be asking yourself, “Can I use the Mentos Geyser for my science fair project?” The answer is YES, but you’ll need to learn how to turn a cool science activity into a real science experiment. Measure the height of the geyser by counting the number of bricks that are wet once the geyser stops. My cohost for the KUSA-TV science segment was the lovely Kim Christiansen. Toll Free: 800-223-9080 Place one bottle of Diet Coke in the refrigerator and let it sit overnight. If you want to have a smaller explosion, consider buying a smaller bottle, such as a 20 oz bottle. It creates more foam than the standard 3% solution, and can be used to lighten hair, so many beauty supply stores carry it. Use your data from the previous test to determine the standard number of Mentos to use for this test. This activity is probably best done outside in the middle of an abandoned field or on a huge lawn. Call: 303-798-2778 . One method for doing this is to roll a piece of paper into a tube just big enough to hold the loose Mentos. . The result is an impression both due to the fact that many Mentos were used and the same experiment was used which made everything look like a volcano. 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (MST), Denver Office The very first time the Mentos and Coke experiment was televised was in 1999 on the Late Show with David Letterman when Lee Merek and “Merek’s Kid Scientists” demonstrated it live. The key is to keep every launch fair and to make sure the only variable is the temperature of the soda. Simply dropping the candy into a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola leads to an impressive eruption of bubbles and foam. The Geyser Tube toy is currently available in toy stores and mass-market retailers throughout the country thanks to our distributor, Be Amazing Toys! Load seven Mentos into your paper roll and drop them into the soda. The Mentos Trick . Diet Coke & Mentos Explosion. Make gooey science worms in seconds. Subtract the remaining amount of liquid from the original volume of the bottle to calculate the volume of the geyser. Again, the choice of diet over regular soda is purely a preference based on the fact that erupting regular soda becomes a sticky mess to clean up because it contains sugar. The Brand Test Imagine baking soda and vinegar, but better. When you open the container, the bubbles quickly rise to the top pushing the liquid out of the way. Repeat a few times. That’s why it’s called a Baby Soda Bottle. Once you get past the initial gee-whiz factor, there’s some amazing science behind a carbonated beverage and a chewy mint. The winning Geyser Tube design was a clear plastic tube with a special fitting that twisted onto any soda bottle. . KUSA-TV News posted that original video on their website along with my blog post titled, “News Anchor Gets Soaked!” Within a few weeks, links to the video and my blog entry numbered in the thousands. D) Lemon Heads. Carbonated drinks get their fizz from dissolved carbon dioxide, which is pumped into the bottles at … The foaming is aided by the presence of food additives such as potassium benzoate, aspartame, sugars, and flavorings in Diet Coke, … Does warm soda shoot up higher than cold soda? Watch as they vanish right before your eyes in water as they grow. The reaction happens very fast and gives off quite a bit of heat. Diet soda uses artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, and consequently, it’s not sticky. Put one or two Mentos in a balloon and attach the balloon to the top of one of the smaller bottles of soda , letting the Mentos fall into the bottle of soda . The next few months were spent building trigger devices ranging from plastic tubes with sliding doors to magnets that held metal stoppers in place to an elaborate battery-operated switch that was triggered by a motion detector. Better yet, if we could trigger the drop of the Mentos from a distance, we wouldn’t get as wet. Leave the snow out to dry and reuse it again… and again. Baking soda must contain thousands and thousands of particles providing enormous surface area for carbon dioxide to form bubbles with. Teachers threaded the roll of Wintergreen LifeSavers onto a pipe cleaner as an easy way to drop all of the LifeSavers into the soda at the same time. Why? Repeat the same procedure for the bottle of soda at room temperature and for the bottle of warm soda. Never use a stove or microwave to heat a bottle of soda. Is the 20 -volume hydrogen peroxide cream the same as the liquid? A friend or parent with a video camera is a great way to watch and document the results of your experiment, but you’ll also need some specific measurements or data. Again, make sure all of the soda is at the same temperature because temperature plays an important role in the reaction. No matter which brand of soda you tested, the warm bottle probably produced the highest-shooting geyser. Does one brand produce higher-flying geysers? This DIY Experiment Is A Fountain of Foam by LabNotes | October 17, 2017. 1. Assuming that you’re using the paper tube method, you’ll want to load the seven Mentos into the tube, cover the bottom of the tube with your finger, and position the tube directly over the mouth of the bottle. Normally, you can find these gas bubbles coming out of the soda on the sides of the bottle, which is why it becomes flat after a while. . Make comparisons, create a chart with your data, and draw some conclusions. ), Launching Potatoes - How to Make a Potato Gun, A roll or box of Mentos chewy mints (stick with the standard mint flavor for now), 2-liter bottle of diet soda (either diet or regular soda will work for this experiment, but diet soda is not sticky when you’re cleaning it up, and it will usually create a bigger blast), Make sure the soda is at least 85 degree Fahrenheit, Drop seven Mentos into the soda all at the same time. Let’s use Diet Coke in this example. run away! To add insult to injury, she did it two more times, each time getting covered in more soda, until her once pink dress was more Coke-colored than pink. so I’m going to go with Mentos. We’ll send you a free experiment every week, plus new products and offers. The answer lies in the solubility of gases in liquids. The thing that makes soda bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide (CO2), which is pumped into bottles at the bottling factory using lots of pressure. Remember that 1 liter is equivalent to 1000 mL. bottles of the same soda (diet works the best) Plastic cups; Smartphone or video camera for slow motion playback; Prepare the candy by removing from the packaging and placing each variety in its own plastic cup. The carbon dioxide in the soda comes out of solution very suddenly, shooting up into the sky and drenching anyone within range with soda. You’ll need a thermometer to record the temperature of the soda just before you launch it. You also wouldn't want to touch the foam afterward, because there may be un-reacted peroxide in it. What is the hypothesis for the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment? But don’t forget to look back at the amazing eruption of soda. Drop one Mentos into the first bottle and record the height by counting the wet bricks (or set up your own scale behind each soda bottle). I also posted the video on a new online video sharing site called YouTube (YouTube was only 7 months old at the time), and as they say, the rest is history. It's pure foam fun! Grobe and Voltz didn't invent the basic demo. I mean pure science. Fortunately, the maker of Mentos (Perfetti Van Melle) also liked the design, and we launched the Mentos Geyser Tube toy at the New York Toy Fair in February 2007. Combine literature, science, and math by having students grow their own polymer gators. Check to make sure your measuring scale is in place (counting bricks or using an alternative scale against the wall). Later on in the experiment, you’ll be invited to compare the geyser power of diet versus regular soda, but for now we’ll start with a 2-liter bottle of diet soda. Enough waiting . THE TIME The faster the mentos sink the bigger the reaction and the faster it will go. The balloon will inflate with released CO2 gas and soda . The Big Blast . Here’s the question we came up with: It’s safe, simple chemistry that produces a wide variety of worms you can make with this kit. Immediately record the data for the cold soda test. Let’s start with seven Mentos for our first attempt. (Okay, it’s a trick question because a 2-liter bottle of soda holds . Oddly enough, this container was actually a “pre-form” or 2-liter soda bottle before it was blown up into a big bottle. * 1/2 cup 20-volume hydrogen peroxide liquid (20-volume is a 6% solution, ask an adult to get this from a beauty supply store or hair salon) * 1 Tablespoon (one packet) of dry yeast. Some people fashioned a tube out of paper while others used a piece of plastic tubing to load the Mentos. You’ll want to purchase three bottles of Diet Coke and two rolls of Mentos. How do you make Coke and Mentos foam? Simply drop the Mentos into the diet soda bottle and watch it erupt. Couple this with the fact that the Mentos candies are heavy and sink to the bottom of the bottle and you’ve got a double whammy. All you do is drop a tube of Mentos candies into a bottle of soda. Many soda geyser-ologists believe that seven Mentos produce the highest-shooting geyser. There are two safe ways to warm the other bottle of soda. Position the bottle on the ground so that it will not tip over. The gas released by the Mentos literally pushes all of the liquid up and out of the bottle in an incredible soda blast. This frog grows to an enormous size when you soak in water! While science teachers have been dropping candies and mints into 2-liter bottles of soda for years in an effort to release all of the dissolved carbon dioxide, the Mentos and Diet Coke reaction became world famous in 2005. Carefully open the bottle of diet soda. How do you make a large explosion with baking soda and vinegar? Open the bottle and dip the thermometer down into the soda. . These tiny pits act as nucleation sites—perfect places for CO2 bubbles to form. The secret is to turn your attention away from the spraying soda and concentrate on setting up an experiment where you isolate a single variable and observe the results. Pour the yeast water mixture into the bottle (a funnel helps here) and watch the foaminess begin! The Mentos Geyser became one of my featured demonstrations both on television and during my live stage presentations. First made famous by chemistry teacher Lee Marek on the … Almost immediately, a plume of foam shoots out of the bottle and into the air. 4. but highly recommended! Special fluorescent ingredient added to create an eerie glow in the dark. In an experiment popularized online, what candy creates an explosive geyser when dropped into a 2-liter Diet Coke bottle? 2 liters!) Instead it is a physical reaction. * 3 Tablespoons of warm water. NOTE: As you can see from the picture, foam will overflow from the bottle, so be sure to do this experiment on a washable surface, or place the bottle on a tray. An index card (picture below) The Mentos And Coke Volcano Experiment Put one or two Mentos in a balloon and attach the balloon to the top of one of the smaller bottles of soda , letting the Mentos fall into the bottle of soda . The simplest method is to let the unopened bottle sit in the sun for several hours. Activity guide included with 4 experiments! There's a lot of carbon dioxide dissolves in the soda, which gives it its fizz. Repeat a … A two-liter bottle of diet soda (diet soda makes for a much better reaction, but you can use regular soda if you like. The pebble-size spheres grow into colored jelly marbles after you soak them in water for a few hours. Simply dropping Mentos into a bottle of soda to make a geyser isn’t really science—it’s just a fun trick to do in the backyard. What do your results reveal about the effect of the number of Mentos on the height of the geyser? Other methods include using a large plastic test tube to hold the Mentos or using my Geyser Tube toy invention, which was created to solve this very problem. In other words, the liquid sprays everywhere. However, by the end of the 1990s, the manufacturer of Wintergreen LifeSavers increased the size of the mints (no one was ever certain why this happened), making the diameter of the candy too large to fit into the mouth of the soda bottle. To get the best results in a science experiment you need to standardize the test conditions as much as possible. How do you make Coke and Mentos foam? At the time, my solution was to load the Mentos candies into something called a Baby Soda Bottle—a test tube–like container that held an entire roll of Mentos perfectly. Purchase Diet Coke in a 2 liter (0.53 US gal) bottle. However, the 6% solution can irritate skin and eyes, so if you're using it, you should wear gloves and safety goggles. . The answer is a little more complicated than you might think. 1 sleeve mint Mentos; 2 16-20 oz. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? Record the temperature. Although that may sound somewhat exciting, the Coke and Mentos Geyser is the boring “science teacher” version of experimenting with Mentos and Coke. When you add the yeast, it acts as a catalyst (a helper) to release the extra oxygen gas and the soap helps to create all the foam.
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