Like the Tyranids, instead of picking one Signature Systems, you can give any unit one of these, which will replace all of its equivalent weapons when available. And when a Ghostkeel loads up on fusion weapons and can no longer defend itself from the small guys, the Stealth suits help it with their burst cannons, maybe gun drones and even fusion guns of their own. Shooting wise Shadowsun gets to pick from two options for her guns – the high-energy fusion blaster (a fusion blaster with 24″ range) or the dispersed fusion blaster (18″, assault 2, S7, AP-4 d3 damage with the melta ability). It is less cost efficient on the usual suspects (Ghostkeel, Riptide, Stormsurge and Y'vahra) at 10 points, but, again, those models carry lots of guns and give up nothing to take this. 2000 pts tournament list 1 week till list submission c&c: hivesupreme: 10: ... First attempt at 9th edition 1000 Batalion Detachment. Why not! Personally I can’t wait for Tau to show up in Psychic Awakening and randomly buff Riptides without helping the rest of the army, forcing us to come back in and make that recommendation even stronger. Her shield drones have been replaced with a single Advanced Guardian Drone that gives models within 3" a, Longstrike only needs 1 token to fire his seeker missiles at full BS and can reach that +1 to hit that much faster, so, Can now buff the Forge World Hammerheads, as everyone's keywords changed to. You can have everyone in the Orca fan out around it now instead of being limited to the rear ramp. . If you are upset with the 1 commander suit per detachment, remember you can take a cheap vanguard or auxiliary detachment to shoehorn in a second commander. This makes use of the Crisis burst cannon bomb we discussed, backed up by an appaling number of drones and a clique of commanders, to control the board, while blasting from the back with Magna Rail Rifle armed Broadsides. If you were to run it today, you might be better-served finding a way to fit in a squad or two of drones in order to protect Shadowsun and the army’s other characters. The Experimental Weaponry Stratagem is sadly just not that useful–it would work OK for a full unit (though even then it probably wouldn’t make flamer Crisis Suits worth taking), but as-is, you’ll get the most utility out of it with either Riptide Ion Accelerators or Submunitions shots on Hammerhead Railguns. If you want to take it from Combat Patrol sized games all the way up to a 2k list, here’s a few next steps for units you can pick up and run with the list. . The Dal’yth Sept bonus is a strong benefit for T’au gunlines and castles, where the primary strategy emphasizes holding still and forcing the opponent to come to you. Generic melee weapons are for other armies. This is great for positioning your army early in the game without losing firepower. I was playing around with the numbers and seeing what I could create with the new points system. Credit: Jack HunterThis list, piloted by Simon Priddis to a 5-0 1st-place finish at Twisted Onslaught in early September, dials back on the Riptides in favor of running Broadsides, Piranhas, and Shadowsun. For 134 points (70 Dronering + 40 4x Marker Drones + 24 Marksmen points) that has enough room to hold 9 other guys, Breacher Teams recommended. Trade. If you would do away with tau stereotypes and bring the fight to the enemy, then suit up with the Farsight Enclaves and redden the skies. Please note that this is the tactics for 8th edition Tau. FA: Tactical Drones: 8x MV4 Shield Drone (80), 4x MV7 Marker Drone (40) (2pl, 120pts) 2000 point Space Marine list 8th edition take on all comers - Duration: 37:38. A plethora of sources for wound-transferring mechanics, wound ignore rolls, and invulnerable saves can make your important units very resilient. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle+ Heavy Support + TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile TX7 Hammerhead Gunship [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Smart missile system, Ion cannon, 2x Seeker missile++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [33 PL, 512pts] ++ T’au Empire Sept Choice: Farsight Enclaves AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile AX39 Sun Shark Bomber [9 PL, 128pts]: Markerlight, Missile pod, 2x MV17 Interceptor Drone, 2x Seeker missile DX6 Remora Stealth Drone Squadron [3 PL, 64pts] This might be good enough to consider if it worked on Vespids. Either keep some Pulse Rifle squads further back, or a few Breacher MSU inside Devilfish, or use the transports themselves (or drones) as a front line, but the point is to have squads who can respond to an enemy who has reached your lines. The note about close combat above also applies to the Coldstar, but more so, because the Coldstar can simply scoot into charge range of the enemy. Don't forget that in matched play, the Strategic Discipline rule prevents you from using a stratagem more than once per phase. Special note: TAU IN MELEE A bit of misnomer is the idea that Tau are terrible in melee. The Tau can, appropriately, give covering fire to anyone. FA: Tactical Drones: 8x MV4 Shield Drone (80), 4x MV7 Marker Drone (40) (2pl, 120pts) Pretty much useless though if you consider the use of Aerial Targeting. By default they come with a heavy rail rifle and two smart missile systems, which they can swap for two high-yield missile pods or two plasma rifles respectively. Most of your turns will see the Nova Reactor being used to improve your gun’s output, but the other modes bring a lot of utility to the table. You don't even need the drones-. There are basically three ways to build Commanders, regardless of the flavor of suit you’re going with: You also used to see really bare-bones Crisis Commanders used as a platform for Command and Control Node, but now that Shadowsun is ridiculously cheap people just use her for that instead. The Riptide is possibly the best unit in the Tau book and has a strong claim in the “Best Unit in the Game” competition. The datasheet indicates the unit can take two tactical drones along with the three special drones; remember that in case you want more ablative wounds on your buffs. DX6 ‘Remora’ Stealth Drone w/ 2x Seeker missile: 2x Long-barelled burst cannon, 2x Seeker missile DX6 Remora Stealth Drone Squadron [3 PL, 64pts] TR: Kroot Carnivores: 10x Kroot w/Kroot Rifle (3pl, 40pts) The Sun Shark has a similar role to the Drukhari Voidraven, which is to fly over something and bomb the hell out of it and hope to cause mortal wounds. Custom Sept: Gifted Pilots, Hardened Warheads+ HQ + Cadre Fireblade [2 PL, 42pts]: Markerlight Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [8 PL, 150pts]: 4x Missile pod+ Troops + Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts] When an Infantry or Battlesuit unit is shot, after a successful wound roll (but before the saving throw), a 2+ moves that entire shot over to the drone and converts it to a single mortal wound. In the grim darkness of the far future, the T'au'va burns bright. Thematically, Dal'yth is the idealized version of the T'au'va's creed. Army list details +++ Tau 500 pts starter (Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition) [29 PL, 497pts] +++ ++ Patrol Detachment (T'au Empire) [29 PL, 497pts] ++ + No Force Org Slot + T'au Empire Sept Choice: Sa'cea Sept. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Troops: Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts], Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Can also now take Networked Markerlights to boost the range and make them assault weapons, which is good but probably risky given how big a target (ironically) it paints on the head of the unit with them. In other words, the Three Golden Uh-Oh’s of playing T’au. Brian Pullen's SoCal Open List - Click to Expand++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [25 PL, 465pts] ++ T’au Empire Sept Choice: T’au SeptHQ: Commander in XV85 Enforcer Battlesuit [7 PL, 135pts]: Drone controller, 3x Fusion blasterFA: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 110pts] – 8x Shield Drone, 3x Marker Drone FA: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 110pts] – 8x Shield Drone, 3x Marker Drone FA: Tactical Drones [6 PL, 110pts] – 8x Shield Drone, 3x Marker Drone++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (T’au Empire) [51 PL, 1,022pts] ++ T’au Empire Sept Choice: T’au SeptHQ: Commander in XV86 Coldstar Battlesuit [9 PL, 182pts]: 4x Fusion blaster . These guys can drop in where they want on the fringes of the battlefield, take out a priority target, and then dart over to wherever else they’re needed. Army List - Click to Expand++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (T’au Empire) [36 PL, 656pts] ++T’au Empire Sept Choice . Not all of them have any application, but the Dal'yth Tenet is especially useful for unmoving Fortifications. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts] Shadowsun's Fortress: Take Shadowsun and set her in the middle of your castle for the double kauyon. Note that this only affects shooting attacks and not melee. HS: Broadside Battlesuits: 3x Broadsides (105), 6x Smart-Missile-System (90), 3x Heavy Rail Rifle (75), 3x Advanced Targeting System (18), 6x MV4 Shield Drone (60) [-1CP extra relic: Magna Rail Rifles] (24pl, 348pts) Now your Drones hit on 3's and the suits on 2's with rerollable 1's for both, and the Crisis suits reroll failed wounds. Yes, we know these are XV15s. To be Battle-forged is very much like in 7th, meaning each unit you bring must be part of a Detachment, and each Detachment has requirements and optional Battlefield Roles. Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Tau does still have its attractions, bringing a powerful stratagem and access to named characters, so as the metagame shifts over time expect to see people go back and forth between it and these, but the important immediate takeaway is that the best of the bunch here are relevant for high-end competitive play. Tactics . The Volley Fire ability gives friendly SEPT units within 6″ an additional shot when firing with pulse pistols, pulse carbines, and pulse rifles when shooting at a target within half the weapon’s range. Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Farsight’s a Crisis Suit Commander who can handle himself in melee and he’s got a pretty beefy plasma rifle he’s carrying around (though no other guns). Although why you would want to give a relic to a Kroot Shaper is beyond me. Keep in mind that Hammerheads still have BS3+, and the Seekers cost basically nothing anyway so just take it and be happy if one of those D1d6 shots gets through. No-one was sad to see them go (except possibly Simon). I think 8th edition style lists (not this, way more shield drones) can still be good. Stack Kauyon and Command and Control node to wipe your opponent's vehicles off the map turn one. Protip: Take the team above and a team of dual Fusion cascades with shield generators. TR: Strike Team: 4x Fire Warrior w/Pulse Carbine & Photon Grenades, 1x Shas’Ui w/Markerlight (3) (2pl, 38pts) Basic battalions are also extremely flexible when comparing Septs; Sa'cea with minimum squads and an Ethereal is immune to unmodified moral checks as well as increasing ML accuracy (but pushes cost to slightly over 200 if you include MLs on each Strike Team), triple tapping at 18" with Bor'kan, High mobility castle with Vio'rla, 5+ overwatch screens as Tau... Every list, even at very low pt games should start with a battlion. You should also strap a couple of seeker missiles to him, since those will benefit from his improved BS as well once you have multiple Markerlights on a target. This list, piloted by Brian Pullen to a 6-0 1st-place finish at the SoCal Open in October. This list presents a tonne of firepower that can go after both volume and heavy targets, while also having mortal wound output from the planes, and while it doesn’t get to lean on drones for defence also doesn’t have to spend a few hundred points on them, letting the list focus on more guns! But the real value for Sa’Cea is Markerlights. . Instead of taking a normal relic (including those added with Emergency DIspensation), Tau can instead choose to take a Prototype Weapon System. The core shared keyword for your units is the wildcard . All of the new updates and codices/psychic awakening have attempted to improve the space chickens, though they will typically find few roles other than meat shields. You don’t need Fire Warriors, Pathfinders, or Gun Drones to make Fireblades worth having, but if you’re bringing both, they make a wonderful team. FA: Tactical Drones: 8x MV4 Shield Drone (80), 4x MV7 Marker Drone (40) (2pl, 120pts) HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile HS: TX78 Sky Ray Gunship [8 PL, 146pts]: 2x Smart missile system, 2x Markerlight, 6x Seeker missile ++ Total: [105 PL, 2,000pts] ++ John Hickton’s Greater Good SpectacularTau players got some opportunity to try out some of the new TGG toys between the book landing and the world going in to lockdown, and easily the most interesting successful list to have come out of it was the one Twisted Dice‘s John Hickton used to win the Scottish Takeover. Tyranid Art and Fan Fiction. . It has two guns, an ionic discharge cannon which is (standard/nova charged) Heavy 3/3d3, S8/10, AP-3, D1/3, and does 1/d3 mortal wounds to vehicles for each wound roll of a 6+, and then also a phased plasma-flamer which is Heavy 2d6/3d6, S6, AP-2, D3. So, not only you could spend points on a Devilfish and ferry your Breachers to the meatgrinder of the front lines, but you could also use it defensively. This lets you run lean on Markerlight platforms or devote more of them to the rest of your BS 4+ army that won’t be shooting at the same things your super special suits will. 4x Fire Warrior w/ Pulse Rifle Troops: Strike Team [2 PL, 38pts], Fire Warrior Shas’ui: Markerlight, Pulse rifle . Also known as your relics. Because you like shooting and battlemechs, and being an optimist in a crapsack universe. Though sept is not just tenets, it also has unique units, relics, and strategems, and Tau sept gets jackpot in all three. Teacher Geoff 40K 5,316 views. HQ: Commander in Enforcer Battlesuit (76), Advanced Targeting System (6), 3x Missile Pod (45), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) (8pl, 147pts) If stuck in melee, bring a Pulse Pistol as now you can fire both for maximum laughs. You won't be moving much, and that's ok, because that is where your true beauty shines. . The -1 to hit is nice but barely matters against anti-infantry shooting due the large amount of shots coming towards your Kroot. The 7th Edition Tactics are here. Even if you aren’t a melee army charging Tau can help – it stops Broadsides shooting for a turn, and forces their other units to at least move and be unable to Kauyon. Otherwise, the Tau’nar is capable of putting out obscene amounts of firepower and doing so at crazy ranges. Keep the drones attached otherwise as you can't re-attach them and the Devilfish gets to shoot their guns at BS 4+ and ignores the 'only allowed to shoot the closest target' rule, effectively turning them into Burst cannons. Against most shooty armies it is safer in close combat than it is in the open getting fired on. These drones also don't require any extra space in transport, so you could put 12x of these in a devilfish. TR: Strike Team: 5x Fire Warrior w/Pulse Rifle & Photon grenades (2pl, 35pts) From the political ideals of T'au to their tactics, the T'au sept is the singular source for everything regarded as properly T'au. HQ: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4x Fusion Blaster (56), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) (9pl, 166pts) The gimmick is basically this – they’re cheap, fast, and fly, plus they mount a couple of drones on them. If you have CP to spare and only need the markerlights for a couple of attacks, the Coordinated Engagement Stratagem is also a good alternative. Pathfinders show up reasonably often in Tau lists reasonably often. Stealth suits are in the enviable position of being able to take battlesuit support systems without actually needing them to be efficient, and since they're relatively hard to shoot away they can survive for when you Manta Strike all your stuff next turn. Please note that you cannot give any of these to Kroot units. Also makes Commanders even more dangerous in melee. Don't get baited into wasting all your Overwatch defending one unit, only for your opponent to charge something else that now can't shoot back. Psychic Awakening has made them even better and added some variety, with the new tools from The Greater Good (TGG) unlocking some new builds. Worth a serious consideration on both Broadsides and Stormsurges, or even a unit of Crisis/Stealth Suits. HQ: Commander in Coldstar Battlesuit (90), 4x Fusion Blaster (56), 2x MV4 Shield Drone (20) (9pl, 166pts) TR: Strike Team: 4x Fire Warrior w/Pulse Carbine & Photon Grenades, 1x Shas’Ui w/Markerlight (3) (2pl, 38pts) With chapter approved she dropped 57 points to 110 points, while she still takes up the commander "slot" for that detachment with the point decrease her ability to declare ', She got a new battlesuit in The Greater Good, and consequently has modified rules. Since Battalions are cheap and easy to make for Tau, you should at least have 2 in your list, this will give you a whopping 13 command points. 40 strength 6 AP-2 shots anybody? Surrounded your Nar with Fire Warriors and Drones, have Shadowsun camp nearby, pop Command and Control every turn and soak in the salt. Her other useful abilities are mostly tied to the drones that come with her. Personally I can’t wait for Tau to show up in Psychic Awakening and randomly buff Riptides without helping the rest of the army, forcing us to come back in and make that recommendation even stronger. Perfect unit to embark pathfinders on. Not worth it at all. Just know doing this automatically confers both, As of Faith and Fury the above is more relevant than it’s ever been.
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tau 2000 point list 8th edition 2021