An important event in a female Golden Retriever’s life is their heat cycle. You will probably see the female often “wash” in the region of the reproductive organ and this is the first indication that a period of a heat cycles of a Golden Retriever is coming If you are interested in having your Golden Retriever spayed, check out our article on spaying and neutering. Our website is designed to help Golden Retriever owners raise their dogs to be healthy and happy. Welcome to Golden Retriever Society! If you would like to learn more about us, and our team, click the button below! While she might be nervous about the physical changes happening to her body, it’s essential to take the time to reassure her that she’s still a loved member of the family. As an owner, knowing what to expect physically and behaviorally from your Golden Retriever during this time will help you be prepared for what is going to happen. These include: Male dogs don’t roam far away from home: Unneutered dogs have a tendency of running away from home in search of a mate. Some dogs might be uncomfortable with the changes their bodies are experiencing, and lick their genital area to get some relief. At the beginning of her heat cycle, your puppy might hold her tail close to her body. Most veterinarians will suggest that you bring your Golden Retriever inside whenever the temperatures dip below 20°F (-6.7°C). It is important that you keep track of when she is likely to go into heat. We want to get her spayed (she's beautiful, but we cannot care for puppies or a pregnant dog and i think its dangerous for us to even try!) Be sure the frequent urination is happening because of her heat cycle. In this stage your Golden Retriever is not receptive to males and cannot get pregnant. Take a Look at the Behavioral Benefits. These diapers will help in keeping your carpet, bedding, and other areas of your house clean. Avoiding public places during this time will be beneficial to you and your dog. One of the best ways to keep your puppy comfortable during this period is to spend extra time with her. This could be a sign of keeping herself clean or she may be experiencing sensitivity to increased blood flow. The timing of the first heat cycle will largely depend on when your pup was born. You will want to make sure she is comfortable, happy, and safe during this time. A normal heat cycle lasts approximately three weeks, within which the bitch will go through different stages. 1 decade ago. During this time, some dogs like to be more active while others just want to lay around. They will be able to provide advice specific to your dog to help ease your mind about what to expect. The average age of a dog having her first heat is about 6 months of age, but that’s not always the case. But recently I watch a 6 month old golden retriever pass through a 6 day cycle. Estrus, or heat, is the stage in a female dog's reproductive cycle during which she becomes receptive to mating with males. Dogs frequently communicate  with their tails, so knowing how to read these signs can be an essential clue as to what your puppy needs from you. Females neutered before their first heat cycle have less than 0.5 % chance of developing mammary cancer. What we do know is that going through a heat cycle will help with the vaginitis. While limiting her time off-leash or outside might feel like punishment, you should provide her with extra stimulation, like new toys or treats, to help keep her occupied indoors. Most Golden Retrievers will have a very regular cycle once they start their heat cycles. However, no one knows for sure. It is that any breed has its time to … The first stage is called the proestrus stage and last from 4 to 9 days. So What Kind of Dog is Scooby-Doo, Anyway? Be sure to track when the first cycle began because the timing should be regular for the second cycle. Although most dogs love extra treats, your puppy might not be as hungry as she was before. It’s a good idea to keep your dog’s identification tags, and microchip  registry information is up to date, in case your puppy runs off to find an eligible mating partner. One easy way to know if your dog has finished their heat cycle is to check their vulva. In the article below, we will discuss when you can expect your Golden Retriever to be in heat and what to expect physically and behaviorally. Likewise, a female in heat might chase other dogs in an attempt to find a mate. Congratulations! When Is a Female Golden Retriever’s First Heat Cycle? How Often Do Dogs Go Into Heat? When it happens, it is typically not painful for your dog. It may be worthwhile to stock up on puppy pee pads and make sure your puppy knows how to use them, just in case she has an accident in the house. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to You may see her preparing a burrow for her pups. You will notice the vulva begin to swell and engorge during this time and it is not painful for your dog. Keeping your dog clean is also crucial in making sure she feels well cared for during this time. Spaying/Neutering also comes with several behavioral benefits. We hope you enjoy your visit and find us useful. when will my golden retriever puppy have her first heat? The progesterone levels will peak one month after the estrus stage then decline. It can also be a sign of urinary tract infection. I thought she came in heat this past March, but in the progesterone tests over the following several weeks, she never progressed over 0.2. Diestrus, the third phase, lasts six … This stage can last between 3 or 4 months. You may notice your dog licking her genitals more frequently. however, im worried its too close to her first heat. On the other hand, some dogs might experience a substantial increase in appetite, and you might find them scarfing down their food faster than usual. This change might be more noticeable, as puppies can sometimes stain furniture or their beds without realizing it. Female dogs will have their first estrous or heat cycle as early as 6 months old. Her estrogen levels remain low as progesterone levels climb. When your puppy is beginning to go into heat, you may start recognizing some physical and behavioral changes. If you are wanting to know about the giant breeds, it may begin anywhere between 18 and 24 months. 0 0. This behavior can be difficult to determine if it caused from the heat cycle because female dogs engage in mounting behaviors even when not in heat. Actual estrus lasts just a few days, but during this time the dog ovulates and experiences peak fertility. Best Shampoo for Golden Retrievers (2020). Make sure to keep your feeding patterns consistent, and provide her with nutritious dog food, whether wet or dry. This is the time some aggressive behaviors may show up toward other female dogs, so be sure to put an end to it quickly if she starts to initiate fights with them. For female retrievers specifically it is advised to wait at least one heat cycle before getting them spayed. Vets like to wait until the dog is close to this age to spay because they will likely tolerate the required anesthesia better. They write many of our articles, and advise on the rest, to ensure we bring you the highest quality content. When Should I Expect My Golden Retriever To Go Into Heat? While adopting a puppy is an exciting adventure, it can also be a challenging time if you don’t know what to expect. Even though going through heat can be frustrating for both you and your Golden retriever puppy, this is an exciting chapter. This will vary, depending on if they are a small, medium, or large breed dog. This behavior will occur more often and in different situations than usual when she is in heat. At this time though I would just continue to monitor her. Her discharge will change to a watery, clear color. Golden Retrievers tend to start their first cycle of heat around the age of 10-14 months old. This stage will last about 2 months and vaginal discharge begins to lessen at this point. Although she will try to lick herself clean, she might need more frequent baths to clean up her fur. How Cold Is Too Cold For A Golden Retriever? These changes are demanding upon your girl. In fact, if a pup has puppy vaginitis and we spay her before her heat cycle we can often see lifelong problems with this. Likewise, if you feel that your puppy is in heat for far too long, or seems to be experiencing abnormal symptoms, it’s a good idea to take your puppy for a check-up. You may notice your Golden Retriever engaging in some nesting behaviors during her cycle. When Does A Dog Experience Her First Estrus? You may want to buy some doggie diapers to keep areas clean in your house. Generally, your female Golden Retriever will be between 10 to 14 months old before she has her first heat. Copyright © 2021 Golden Retriever Society, link to Best Shampoo for Golden Retrievers (2020). Your pup will be able to grow … Most dogs go through their first heat cycle between nine and 12 months, but larger breed dogs may not go into heat until they are 12 to 18 months of age. Become familiar with your dog’s preferred behaviors during her heat cycle and let her be comfortable. Golden Retrievers are in heat for usually between 2-4 weeks. Proestrus is the stage in which her heat cycle starts and is marked by the swelling of her vulva and the first signs of blood. He enjoys training him, but most of all, playing with him. These doggie diapers come in a choice of washable or disposable . If you feel comfortable inspecting your dog, you might notice that your dog’s vulva is swollen or inflamed. In this stage her vulva will become very swollen and she will have a bloody discharge from her vagina. Golden Retrievers tend to start their first cycle of heat around the age of 10-14 months old. Along with their intelligence, they are gentle, reliable companions. There is no specific time that a puppy of any breed starts going into heat. The American Kennel Club advises that while a dog’s first heat usually happens around six months of age, it could take up to two years for a dog to experience their first heat. In some cases, the discharge will not be apparent until several days after heat has begun. You have to keep in mind an essential aspect. Paying attention to how your dog moves her tail when around male dogs can be an essential clue as to what stage of the heat cycle she is. You can expect her to be in heat about every six months and last about 2-3 weeks. Taking her to places such as the dog park or the pet store may lead to attention from male dogs that you don’t want. When it comes to the female Golden Retrievers, normally they reach the first heat cycle between 10 and 14 months. The Proestrus Stage — Getting Ready Lasting around 9 days, this first stage is marked by the eggs in the ovaries beginning to mature and the estrogen levels start rising. It means that your puppy is finally on her way to becoming an adult. Female dogs urinate frequently during their heat cycle because they may be telling other dogs that they are going into heat. When this stage ends, the proetrus cycle will repeat for a total of two heat cycles per year. Most vets say to wait until second heat. Keep in mind your puppy is growing up, and developing some maturity. This is the stage associated with chemical changes in your Golden Retriever. Having wet wipes on hand to spot-clean the area is also a good idea. Each of these stages can be exciting milestones on your puppy’s road to maturity, but they can also be challenging to navigate if you’re unprepared. Most veterinarians recommended spaying before your pup is 6 months of age. Your puppy is going through puberty. Bleeding and discharge are normal occurrences during your Golden Retriever’s heat cycle. How To Learn Golden Retriever’s Heat Cycle? Although it might be uncomfortable for your dog, most pet supply stores also sell dog diapers to prevent stains on the carpet or other furniture. Worry not for this is a natural part of the changes your puppy’s body is going through. Here are some common signs that your Golden Retriever is in heat: One of the first physical changes you will notice is a swollen vulva. This will help you in knowing what to expect during each stage of the heat cycle. Your vet can perform physical exams and genetic testing to rule out the risk of any other conditions. This usually happens 2-3 days before vaginal discharge. Corey is the Founder of Golden Retriever Society and loves working with the Veterinarian Advisors and other writers on the staff. This will get rid of all the health issues that come up with early spaying, and allows the dog to go through puberty. Golden retrievers are larger dogs, so they’re usually in heat for about two to four weeks, although the cycle will vary from one pup to the next. Do not be alarmed of these changes, they are very natural. Estrogen levels return to normal for your Golden Retriever. Bear in mind, these are ranges, and they may be sooner or later, as every dog is different. Knowing the needs and sensitivities of your dog and its coat,... Goldens Retrievers are one of the smartest breeds of dogs. Knowing when your Golden Retriever goes into heat can help an owner be prepared for what will happen during the cycle. The stage of the cycle when she’s receptive to mating is called estrus, or heat. Why Block Head Golden Retriever is the Secret Ingredient? Dogs breed during the female’s heat cycle. Having all of the information before your puppy hits these milestones will help you adjust to your puppy’s needs and make sure you have all you need to care for her properly. For Golden Retrievers, this typically occurs before they are one year of age. Your dog is also still very much a puppy, so there may be other physiological and emotional changes that are occuring as well. This behavior is something that you want to keep an eye out for, especially if your puppy is around young children or other pets.
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golden retriever puppy first heat cycle 2021