If a Scorpio woman has no interest in you, she will reject you outright. Selkie writes, regarding the stereotypes of the various signs…, “…lots of Scorpios are harsh people who actually greatly enjoy judging others (even people they’ve never even met or talked to); insist on playing seemingly inexplicable games with people for years on end; take pleasure in seeing “certain” (or “certain sorts of”) people punished, and in freezing out the “unworthy,” and who are stubborn to the point of harming both themselves and others – even the people closest to them.”. it is like i’m temporarily released from all my hatred and all i want is peace. She and that Pisces Aunt are just toxic. lol instead of complaining and analyzing your Scorpio Moon, maybe you should analyze yourself and look at what you’ve done to hurt your friend so much…as a Scorpio Moon myself, I can say that we are extremely loyal and great friends and would not cut someone out of our lives unless they’re severely hurt and taken advantage of us over and over and over again…, to say that you have no sympathy, clearly states that your friend made the right decision. I need my family but I also need lots of space and honor my friends and family’s needs for that as well. I did the same thing to her for about three year about 10 years later. Maybe justifiably. Yesterday I told her an old friend of mine whom I lost contact with over the years (didn’t sting them, just happens) committed suicide. Saturn in Scorpio taught me this. In the mean time, inbetween not seeing each other, I fell deeply in love with another Scorpio. . Then years later she met me. And KathyF….you made a very interesting point. She was hurtful, yet she couldn’t see it. The only thing that I will admit to is that I am still in pain. Scorpio is beyond fascinating and mysterious. Instead I just accept that it’s over and would not even entertain a friendship should he come back my way. But, like May Welland Archer, they often have a self-induced, hard blindness and resistence to admitting the very existence of anything – or anyone – not to their liking! I’m a scorpio mars and I did amputate. I finally broke down and got two different Tarot readings and they have confirmed what my own readings have been saying: It is NOT OVER between us. I looked that up on the Angel Numbers site and it was interesting. My sister would bring over either a friend or a boyfriend and right away I would know if they were NOT right for my sister. This is because I feel badly after we speak. It’s a rather rare thing to find however, but they are out there. I was out. Let people take full responsibility for their problems and learn to work them out on their own or with the help of a fully qualified psychotherapist who is PAID to do that job. I guess we think people should intuit when we need our space. Not so easy for a Taurus, but I’m learning. And he actually very much wants to text you. it’s not like we got in an argument, or I upset her. So much energy wasted! Dating a Leo woman is not a surprising thing because their nature and way of leading their life can attract anyone. I’m not a Scorpio but I am an eighth house sun so I understand it. My friend’s husband says to be vigilant, that he’s going to be back “because he desires you.” And that any Scorpio male that is willing to state that so quickly, so openly is already “obsessed with you.”. Its a compassionate move in the eyes of the scorpio. Those born under the influence of this water sign do not lose their cool easily, but they will I won’t forget what the person did, But I won’t hold on to the anger associated with the incident…. Whatever. No emotions, no love, no hate, just indifference for the cut-off one. The best liar being a Scorpio. To make sure that you are the right match for your Scorpio woman, avoid doing the following things that a Scorpio woman hates in a relationship. Because, really, I’ve been in that dark place of dealing with the pain of a bad breakup. She married and had a child, my first grandchild. truth is : being amputated by a scorpio hurts ( more than getting the same treatment from other) because it always means something. Horribly difficult to do and not conceived lightly, but the time was right. Personally I’ve a very open person but I would start feeling uncomfortable even if an intimate partner starting pushing or trying to pull information out of me. I don’t know why I do it but I think it’s a way of coping. I’ve done this a few times and self-preservation is exactly it. No discussion. Standing in society means much more to a cap than it ever would to a Scorpio. If I feel like you’ve hit some sort of middle ground with hurt-I will take the middle ground revenge. For me, Freezing gives me the time and space I need to cool down, and sort out the feelings that lead to the freeze.. When it comes down to it, we all handle things in different ways. I had the most intense crush over this foreign guy who played in my band, a witty, handsome, sexy as hell Virgo rising. Narrow Focus Shown By Planets Clustered On One Side Of The Zodiac, Sign up to be notified when the blog updates, Get updates in digest form (3 emails per week). but once you show me you’re brushing me off, you’re getting the sting & i’m gone. (Scorpios, that’s another story. So I read many of the comments here and although there certainly are some valid points being made, I really don’t think this general “rule of thumb” applies to all Scorpions. Take care of your heart and the hearts of those dear who are still in your life. Anyone got any idea how to set boundaries while remaining empathetic? In fact, I’m about to amputate a couple of Scorpios who popped up in my life few months ago after years of a “freeze-out” session. And it’s not the Freezing out that hurts so much..it’s the fact that within this 3wk silent period, I’ve sent emails asking him he he just wanted to forget about it…he answered back, said no…that he didn’t want to hurt me (whatever that meant) and then went silent again. She used to try to solve all my problems for me. A Pisces women don't have the patience to wait to have a conversation with you in person; she wants to talk to you whenever she can, which is why texting is one of her favorite things. Dumping me and then coming back. I know what it’s like to sting people and take revenge when someone betrays me, but I never found these effective tools in getting my needs met. I do not get pregnant although had I, I am not sure he would have married me anyway. But I’m going to be okay…in fact, better than okay. I didn’t want to lose such a handsome man without giving him a chance to explain himself. I’m only speaking for myself and as a Plutonian (though I do have Juno and Uranus in Scorpio), but if any so-called friend decides to make me a target of drama (even just implying nasty things about me but not said out loud), I amputate, end of story. Suddenly the woman is pregnant. I have completely cut her out of my life because she was extremely selfish and would only call or hang out when she was depressed. And the karmic repercussions on scorpios as they misguidedly take on problems that other people refuse to shoulder themselves are substantial, often leaving them weak, exhausted and depleted, often without a word of thanks or appreciation from their beneficiaries. And for you Scorpios that get hurt and try to justify your partner’s cheating acts: let’s not forget that you signed up in a partnership, your fault for being in that relationship and partially your fault for the relationship not working. Or pincers. I have also been in the middle of a bad Pluto transit and several Saturn ones so that’s the only business I can and should mind. And, she did the right thing by leaving when she learned May was pregnant. Sorry this is this way for you. But…when I got back home, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the Universe had sent me a message..I just wasn’t willing to accept what I saw, so I asked the Universe to send me another message/sign…one that I would MOST DEFINITELY not mistake for anything else. ? This may be manipulative, but it’s worked for me. Don’t let this stop you from loving but sift through it for the lesson being easy on yourself…there always is one . He finally marries her and well he has started in on his masters degree…..I do the unthinkable one day by calling the office — leaving a message with the receptionist “to tell him that his wife called.” This was a Thursday late afternoon. Scorpio friends are convinced that I’m just another Scorpio. Ultimately why I feel the need to pull away is because I’m not being appreciated. We want 2 great friends versus 1,000 “ok” friends and will sting everyone around us and be alone in life rather than treated like shit. It’s a ‘defensive strike’. He’s not interested in listening to you. But we really do get to a limit and it’s like we don’t even mean to feel this way. Got on with life for a few years, and no-one entered my world who moved me like that again. I am slowly healing and making progress, but ever so often, the Universe will send some kind of sign that knocks me back a few feet and I must start all over again. I have great respect and love for most of the women I have had romantic relationships with. I was absent awhile, but I’m back (on the social media site)…I moved back to Vegas and I just wanted to say, you are a dream and absolutely beautful, but since I’m no longer there it will have to stay a compliment…however, if I were still there, I’d would’ve taken you out every chance I got.”. She is my princess and im a free spirit so i try not to make her feel caged in whenever shes with me .she means the world to me .I guess my obsessiveness works for her advantage in that area .we’ve been married for 6 years and my advice is be yourself and I speak your mind. I was raised by pacifists, and my dad encouraged me to study Buddhist and Sufi philosophy starting at age 12, so a lot of my coping mechanisms are rooted in a philosophy of non-violence and not harming others……. They won’t stop until they’ve completely done you in and when you finally make a defensive strike, this is their cue to cry injury. I doubt if you will either read or respond, so I will just leave it there. No, seriously – even when we went on to live together, my existence was never even referred to, period. Everybody does. I have to be around people that take my words seriously. It’s making me feel very insecure. A Scorpio woman will always look for a long-lasting commitment and will never stop loving you, if you are the right one for her. . But he texted me faithfully every morning and every night. The email that was sent to me, in it’s wording, was so dead spot-on in terms of how the situation unfolded, that it made me think it was him. I REMOVE MYSELF from their influence in my life. 12. ), My mother-in-law lost years of what could have been a close relationship with her son and his wife – for what? We (I’m one) are not saints, but when we’re good, we’re very, very good and…you know the rest. I say the hard way because he saw me kiss (a peck, but on the lips) a longtime family friend and now he’s giving me the deep freeze. Thanks for all the support. Time to move on to greener pastures. Amputated by a Scorpio bf this year. I’m sorry that I hurt you so badly, I didn’t know what I was doing. I mean I go on dates with guys but my heart longs for that female/female connection. Give space for yourself and your partner so you can have energy to love each other properly .Communication is key .Scorpio is a sign that hides their feelings already so both partners being secretive about how they feel won’t be very beneficial to the relationship. The first time, mine told me it wasn’t anything I did, which left me utterly baffled. They both just decided to never respond to me or meet me again. When a Capricorn woman ignores you, it’s hard to figure out what she’s thinking inside – this sign is quite serious and does think deep into things. You’re simply supporting them in their refusal to take their emotional issues seriously enough to seek expert professional help. And I don’t intend on ever forgiving him. I always felt misunderstood and abandoned by both when I needed them most. In the end it was necessary and appropriate…but why so cruel? Get these mortal offenders so paranoid, they are constantly expecting you to pop out of the shadows and out of the murky water like a gator lurking in the slime of their subconscious ready to devour. But it’s how Im able to survive in this situation. I doubt I can ever be friends with him again. And I agree with much of what you say… The “love of my life” is a Scorpio…he bolted and hurt me dreadfully… But we stayed in contact (no intimacy) and 4 years later we are good friends, he is not capable of being in a relationship (depression) he also feels he can’t provide for me as he would like to (which is his issue) and I decided he is not good for me…He as much told me it (ne and us) all terrified him…I love him so much but it is what it is and we’ve found peace after much haranguing each other. I have placed several people/relationships, including family members, into sealed compartments. i mastered that as a teenager…if someone screwed me over, i could go years without speaking a word to them.
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when a scorpio woman stops talking to you 2021