Across the West Coast, raging wildfires have destroyed small towns and forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate their homes in California, Washington and Oregon. Throughout all of this there were no similar reports from any of the neighboring communities, and it seemed to be confined solely to Ashley. Foster: Foster: View All. The town now stands in ruins, and is being slowly reclaimed by the jungle. Federico. There is no evidence that any such mass killing ever took place, and it was never reported upon in the local news, but the legend persists. Foster: Since then, according to, numerous theories for this seemingly sudden migration have been posed though recent evidence shows that they migrated further south to places like Arizona New Mexico and the Rio Grande. But their houses caught fire and they… caved in. There are even some cases of whole ships disappearing, with no traces left on the frigid bottom. The most famous of these include a naval ship called the USS Cyclops which vanished there in 1918, and then a squadron of planes which flew over it in 1945 never to be seen again. Building foundations are being pushed into the… In the West Milford township of New Jersey, there was once a small community called the New City Complex. But no definite proof of this has come to light. (Sound of heavy footsteps. Tags Bizarre modern mysteries mysterious disappearances mysterious places Paranormal strange disappearances unexplained phenomena unsolved mysteries vanishing. These particular mountains are not only known for their legends among the Apache people, who believe the entrance to the underworld lies somewhere in them, but also for the numerous disappearances that have occurred over the years. Out in the desert wilderness of Arizona near the city of Phoenix reside the Superstition Mountains (also known as the Superstitions). Between the states of Tennessee and North Carolina, these pristine mountains lie along the southern part of the Appalachian Mountain area. Christopher Kah. There are even towns that were said to exist that are no longer around for unknown reasons, and famous monuments where several people vanished off the face of the Earth never to be seen again. Copyright © Mysterious Universe. It certainly does not help that no record of such a large earthquake can be found anywhere in the history of the state of Kansas, nor any news stories on the matter in Hays newspaper archives, but when has this ever stopped a good conspiracy theory? Officer Welsch: An extensive search was made in the years that followed, which petered off after 2012 following new evidence regarding her disappearance. Other reports of anomalies would come in from the town as well, such as people who seemed to have witnessed the town actually evaporating into thin air, as if being absorbed into some other dimension, with one such account concerning a group fleeing through the area during the dust bowl of 1932 and going to the town to retrieve supplies, the story which was written of on the Strange State website thus: Imagine their surprise when they were unable to mount the steps leading to the store, their feet each time passing through the lowermost step as through a cloud. (glass breaking) Consisting of vast stretches of desert and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this triangular area in the Silver State has made headlines in recent years due to a disappearance that occurred in 2007. My name is April, April Foster. But he’s not the only one as many others have disappeared before him, and the area’s close proximity to Area 51 has led some theorists to speculate the presence of UFOs in the Nevada Triangle and even ghosts. Considering that Ashley was rather remote, it managed to escape the news for the most part, but when investigators finally arrived it was oddly found that there was simply no one there. An early and very bizarre account of a vanishing town is that of the mysterious Urkhammer, in the state of Iowa, in the United States. It seemed that everyone had simply vanished off the face of the earth, or been swallowed by it. Just like everyone else. This ghost town has gone from boom, to bust, to boom again. Ma’am? But when it was over, no one was around except for a fissure that was apparently 1,000 yards in length. But due to a series of miscommunications, the landing didn’t go as well as expected and the commander who led the attack was dismissed for his incompetence. Officer Welsch: Imagine their surprise when their feet passed through both board and steps as easily as a potato passes through the smoke of a campfire! While most of the ruins have long since disappeared under a … The transcript of this conversation supposedly goes thus: Officer Welsch: (sobbing) Everyone. Now, I grew up watching X-Files so if this is just something I saw in an old episode please feel free to inform me and you have laughing rights. One very popular story is that in the 1980s a stranger moved into the town, after which there were various unexplained phenomena, and it was soon suspected that this newcomer was a cult leader. The earthquake itself was felt throughout the state and most of the midwest. The town was completely deserted; 80% of its buildings stood destroyed or damaged beyond repair. Things were already apparently rather ominous as authorities approached the town, as there was found to be a smoking, heat-belching blazing fissure measuring 1,000 yards in length and approximately 500 yards in width, but as for the town itself there could be found not a single man, woman, child, or even pet, neither alive nor dead, even after a 12-day intensive search. Ma’am, is everything alright, are you okay? Today’s visitors can see gates and part of the town’s walls. In fact, some of the disappearances became big news, such as when US House Majority Leader Hale Boggs disappeared in 1972 as his plane was flying over the area. Once a thriving mercury mining town, Terlingua was abandoned when the market for mercury crashed in the early 20th century. New Orleans, Louisiana is already sinking. Residing along the magnetic fields, they absorb particles that come from solar winds and cosmic rays which in turn protect the Earth from the worst effects these events can cause. After spending some years completely vacant, the dusty wreckage of this town was revitalize into a bizarre Texas roadside attraction. The tale originally came up in 2012, when it began making the rounds on the Internet on a variety of forums including the r/NoSleep subreddit and of course the Creepypasta wiki, which is a red flag, but it remains unclear just what reality any of it holds if any. Convinced that this was some sort of plot to prevent outsiders from shopping at the store, they attempted to scale the steps using an old board found nearby. Things seemed to be pretty normal for awhile, and then in 1992 it was found that the homes were suddenly and inexplicably abandoned, with no sign of burglary and everything in order, all possessions left behind, and in some cases even meals left out for people who would never come to eat them. While the world is quite a big place, we like to think that we know everything about it. My son… I saw my son last night. Missing is one from North Carolina. The town did quite well out of the wine trade, fishing, and wood and timber from the Sussex Weald, but it was raided by the French, the estuary eventually silted, and the sea retreated. Mommy, where are you hiding?”) There are those who maintain that the event was merely covered up, and that this is why it does not appear in public records, but there is no way to really know if the town of Ashley Kansas really did vanish or not, or if it ever even existed at all, and it remains a creepy yet unverified, almost certainly fictional story that is nevertheless just believable enough to create an air of believability and has thus generated a fair bit of discussion. Also known as Yellowhead Highway, this stretch of road is located in the British Columbia area of Canada. Things took a turn for the decidedly weird when there was a report from a tourist passing through, who stopped at a gas station in the town to fill his tank, after which he learned that he had been ripped off and that there was no gasoline in there at all. ARE YOU FUCKING LISTENING TO ME? … Ma’am, where are you now? It remains unknown just where all of the people of this alleged town went, or even if it ever really existed in the first place, and it remains a strange historical oddity and unconfirmed mystery. Interestingly, an aftershock allegedly rocked the region in the coming days after the aborted search, and when rescuers arrived this time the fissure was reportedly gone as mysteriously as it had appeared. From 1945 to 1950, five people vanished in this area ranging from an 8 year-old boy to a 74 year-old woman to even a man that disappeared on a bus. The Town That Disappeared. Are you safe? There are even stories about children that were spirited away from where they originally were only to end up in completely different sections of the park with their clothes missing, which has been attributed to the supernatural beings that supposedly occupy the area, from ghosts to nature spirits of Native origin. In the end they lie out in that murky realm of reports that cannot be confirmed or denied, teasing us and flitting about on the periphery of our attempts to gain an understanding of them. Peru. One of the Great Lakes that sit along the border of the United States and Canada, Lake Superior has gained notoriety over the years due to the number of ships it has claimed, due to the stormy winds that blow across it. Up in the northwestern part of Scotland lie the Flannan Isles, which are also known as the Seven Hunters due to the number of islands in this small cluster. They all came in the fire. Urkhammer was no more. I’m hiding in the closet right now and- (silence) Like Ashley, Kansas, this story originates from a dubious source namely Weird NJ, a magazine that publishes local legends, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t truth behind the legend. Officer Welsh: This even includes the idea that they were dragged underwater by malevolent spirits known as Water Babies, which originate from a local Paiute legend. Foster: The small rural town was apparently in rather good shape and just as normal as any other mid-American town until around 1928, when some aerial photos emerged that appeared to show that there was perhaps simply no one living there, and that the fields looked overgrown and untended. This island is Aruba, which belongs to the Netherlands and thus everyone living there is Dutch. (Indiscernible screaming and noise) He was burned. Yet pots of food were left behind, along with the village dogs which had seemingly starved. Things got stranger still when reports kept coming in about the weird atmospheric anomalies, and that there were also people who had mysteriously gone missing without a trace. But this tropical paradise soon received wide attention in 2005 when a teenage girl named Natalee Holloway went missing there after she didn’t arrive on her return flight back to the United States. Near Reno, Nevada, a saltwater lake resides called Pyramid Lake, named after the pyramid-shaped rock formation jutting out of it. and behold! Groundhog Day: Is There Any Truth To It, And What Started This Unusual Tradition? The group’s leader approached the office of this guardian of the peace and attempted to knock on the door, only to see his had pass through the thick oak as though it were merely painted steam. Oh… Oh my God. (cries) The following day, just two days before the earthquake, would bring perhaps the strangest, and indeed the last purported call from Ashley, placed by a Ms. April Foster. Ever since legends have abounded. The following morning a police officer from the nearby town of Hays by the name of Allan Mace was sent in to investigate, after which he would radio in to claim that he had been headed down the only road towards Ashley but had somehow found himself back in the town of Hays, despite the fact that he had not turned around. Jesus Christ HE WAS BURNED. Like the Bermuda Triangle, this place has gained a reputation for several disappearances occurring including one in 1950 when a passenger aircraft flew over the area and never emerged from it. E very western ghost town is an object lesson. A repaired section of a levee wall that was breached during Hurricane Katrina. It told of how all the people in this small town completely vanished over night, no trace of where they went at all. Lost Colony, early English settlement on Roanoke Island (now in North Carolina, U.S.) that mysteriously disappeared between the time of its founding (1587) and the return of the expedition’s leader (1590). Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Ma’am, what you’re saying isn’t making any sense. In fact, some of these places are so notorious that people are both drawn to and afraid to go to them. Potosí was a Venezuelan town in the western state of Táchira. Cahokia. My ultimate goal is to write for a living, though in particular science-fiction and fantasy novels. Foster: Foster: Such places include the Bermuda Triangle, where many disappearances are said to happen and have happened over the course of many years. Cahokia is known as America's forgotten city. Stay quiet. You can extend this… (silence) Though some of these are attributed to those who’ve tried to seek out the Lost Dutchman’s Mine full of gold. While it’s a popular place for outdoorsy types who like to hunt and fish, it's also known for several disappearances that have occurred as recently as 2009 when a 61 year-old man went missing on a hunting trip never to be seen again. While there hasn’t been a clear explanation for them, the two consistent factors are that the people who disappeared were young women and many of them were of aboriginal descent. Officer Welsh: Ma’am, stay as quiet as you can. Even when he ran out of gas and walked he could not reach the town, which was still sitting there maddeningly before him, forever out of his reach. (muffled static) Did You Know There Are Also Cold Water Reefs? While the Caribbean is a popular vacation spot in general, there is one small island that is both popular for tourists and notorious due to some disappearances that occurred there. In the far northern region of Nunavut, Canada, there are several lakes including the Anjikuni Lake (or Angikuni Lake). A long time ago, it was the home of the Ancestral Puebloans who built numerous dwellings into the cliffs that surround the area. Here, 10 million volts worth of energy is present which has been proposed as a possible explanation for the crash of Air France flight 447 where 228 passengers disappeared. Officer Welsch: Foster: Where are you, Mommy? Authorities launched an investigation, but could find no sign of where any of the inhabitants had gone. Foster: I've written articles for a company called River City Real Estate and quizzes for LAST NIGHT THEY CAME BACK! We saw them coming through the fields… and… some people opened their doors for them. The Pinnebog River (originally called the "Pinnepog River) at the tip of Michigan's thumb runs straight through what was once the town of Port Crescent. Founded in 1585, the English colony was situated on Roanoke Island (hence the name) off the coast of present-day North Carolina. The church, once very big, has been reduced in size, and around it sit the remaining houses. The area is also known for its resident ghost ships with the most famous one being the Mary Celeste. He…he said: “Mommy, I’m okay now! Here Are Some Expert Tips That You Probably Didn't Know, This Is What's Eaten On Lunar New Year, With Some Dishes Said To Bring Good Fortune, Le Chateau Frontenac Has A Pool, And Here's How Else You Can Keep The Kids Entertained, Insect Jewelry Was Common During The Victorian Era, But The Peculiarities Didn't Stop There, Waffle It: These Are All The Things You Can Cook In A Waffle Iron. Such places include the Bermuda Triangle, where many disappearances are said to happen and have happened over the course of many years. They went to the Urkhammer Sheriff’s office to confer, converse and otherwise hobnob with their brother law enforcement officials. How Families Can Have An Amazing Trip, Struggling To Keep You Succulents Alive? God, the SCREAMING. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. What is happening, ma’am? A cast-iron bathtub, used long ago as a watering trough for livestock, sat alone in a field of weeds, the sole relic of human presence. Officer Welsch: Here Are The Most Iconic Tampa Foods To Make For The Super Bowl, Planning A Thru-Hike? Officer Welsch: had the same eerie experience. Towns that Disappeared Completely, a song by Robert Hood on Spotify We and our partners use cookies to personalize your experience, to show you ads based on your interests, and for measurement and analytics purposes. Officer Welsch: Venezuela. Get the MegaPack collection now for this great price. According to the story, a group of visitors came to the village this year and found it totally silent and empty. While it is notably barren in terms of geography, this place had once been the home of a small village of Inuit people who are native to the region at large. The victim was an aviator/adventurer named Steve Fossett, who flew into the Nevada Triangle in a small plane and was never seen again despite the massive search for him. Last night… last night they came back. Officer Welsch: Foster: Labeled as Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501, it had a total of 58 passengers and crew members who vanished along with any possible traces of the missing aircraft. Located in the southern Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, the Bermuda Triangle appears in more conspiracy theories than anyone can count largely due to some significant unexplained disappearances that have occurred here. What do you mean everyone? But then this seemingly beautiful lake got the attention of the media and the Internet when two men went missing there, leading to some speculation about what could’ve happened to them. Laughter. Here are the 8 cities in the US most likely to disappear underwater by 2100. Bangkok is in trouble. The most famous of these disappearances happened in 1953 when a research fishery ship called the Kaiyo Maru #5, which consisted of 31 crew members and scientists combined, sailed into the area to investigate a recently formed volcanic island. This has even led people to refer to the area around the town as the Pecos Triangle, with roads supposedly haunted by supernatural beings and where UFOs can apparently be spotted. EVERYONE. But around the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Brazil, one of the radiation belts comes unusually close to the Earth’s surface thus creating the South Atlantic Anomaly. Officer Welsch: Originating from a Creepypasta story, which are horror stories told on the Internet, this unusual account of a town that vanished doesn’t have the best credentials in terms of authenticity. A few miles south from Lake Superior, another notorious body of water resides called Lake Michigan. Release; $11.99. YES… yes, hello? I graduated with a Bachelor Associate's degree in English with a focus in writing at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction, Colorado. He had apparently been rerouted by some mysterious force. The only clues left behind were a single gun that had been recently fired, and a message scrawled on a blackboard that read “There is no salvation.” Theories of what happened to the 600 vanished residents of Hoer Verde range from the plausible notion that they were forced to evacuate due to attacks from roving guerrillas or drug dealers, to the more far out idea that they were abducted by aliens, but there is unfortunately very little evidence to make any conclusions and the case of Brazil’s vanishing village remains a baffling conundrum. The first signs of the Olmec are around 1400 BC in the city of San Lorenzo, the main Olmec settlement which was supported by two other centers, Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo. See, I can walk again! Everyone who died, or went missing, they’re back. To this day, there’s no definite explanation for the vanishings as hardly any traces of the missing people were recovered in the area, leading some to suspect they might’ve been the victims of a serial crime. (Muffled: “Mommy… mommy?”) More recently still is the weird story of a town which was originally called The New City Complex, in New Jersey, in the U.S., but which has for reason that will soon be clear come to be called “Demon’s Alley.” Located in West Milford, New Jersey, along Route 23, the town was built by the City of Newark Water and Reservoir Plant in order to ouse workers of the facility. It is a subject which I have covered here at Mysterious Universe before, and which never ceases to inspire speculation and wonder. The veracity of these claims has eluded us, but these stories still stubbornly continue to circulate and generate discussion. Pardon, but the “America, the un-original” graphic in the July 3 Outlook section was a bit off. Though when the Spanish originally came through, they called them the Sierra de la Espuma which means “Mountain Range of the Foam”. Then, on May 7, 1932, Phineas Bumf, a Huguenot immigrant farmer, passed by at dawn with his cargo of produce, and what to his wondering eyes did appear but- nothing! (Sound of muffled footsteps) Today, that number has risen to 100 times per year. The earliest one recorded was in 1969 when a 6 year-old boy went missing there, and then the latest one happened in 1981 to an elderly woman. In 1930, though, a fur trapper who typically visited the village had reported to a local paper that he found the place to be completely abandoned upon arriving there with no one in sight. Here, everyone is running from something. For this reason, the place attracts scuba divers, who swim down to the sunken ships that are still there, including the infamous SS Edmund Fitzgerald, which inspired the famous folk song by Gordon Lightfoot which told the disaster that befell this ship. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. You said everyone came back? The story goes that this was indeed reported upon by several local newspapers, such as the the Clarion-Sun-Telegraph, but that these reports were drowned out by news of the impending stock market crash of 1929. Several witness reports that followed from passing tourists of the empty town eventually led to this incident being published in some of the local state newspapers, but the stock market crash of 1929 soon drowned this story out.
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towns that disappeared completely 2021